Guess its over

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Guess its over

Post by Genie »

I was wondering how long it would take Keim to remove Stone and Reaver from his forum PA listing. Just happened like a minute ago.

Personally, I knew it was gonna happen. sad to say he had to use something trivial as Clad getting Guild War ganked by some Stoners as a scapegoat to go imp and join Dark.

Fuck, I told Clad give me 2 fucking days to find out what the hell happened, to discuss it with the guild and perhaps remain allys and friends. As far as im concerned now, he (And Keim) never wanted to make amends. I had someone tell me a few days before this shit happened that Keim was already talking with Dark about going imp. He hadnt been in the actual Stone guild for almost a month as he hopped around GWing. Same for Clad. I dont even know why, but Clad took BOTH toons out of Stone on the same day and put one in a GW guild with Wilem. Anyhow, I asked Clad for 2 days. The next day I log in, not only is Keim sending me emails saying hes done with Stone (Because hes friends with Clad for a longer time) but he went Imp AND joined Dark. Hes camping the Gungan POI as we speak. Thats bullshit. Fucking quitters imo. Its honorable that Keim would stick with Clad in this, but apparently his friendships with everyone else was just a cover cause he blew us off like we arent even there anymore.

On top of the fact it seems they are trying to sway Stone members out, least thats the current rumor. Total bullshit senario. Hell, the worse part about it is the reaction from Clad. I take blame for turning that first GW on against WET but I didnt think those two would go out of their way to gank their friends the way they did. I made my apologies to the guildies they ganked but from what everyone that got ganked told me, the apologies from these two were either half-assed sarcastic or short in coming. So I tell the guys the other night in guildchat that Clad is alone in Moe and the GW is still active on their end. A coupla members of Stone set up a quick meet in Acheron, the GW switch was flipped and they rolled out to find him; DBing him a few times. He got mad at that? Its an ingame feature for gods sake. Half the guys that were a part of that kill did it to get back at ya and instead of taking in strides you not only quit Stone and cut ties, but you went against what I said to do and did it anyway.

Scapegoat, thats all I haveta say about it. You guys used it as a scapegoat to go join your buttbuddy Wilem in Dark. Have fun pvping as an imp, I am so pissed off from writing this post now I hope I never interact with any of you ingame again. And considering how strongly I felt about Keim leaving, thats saying a lot.

Good luck...

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Post by Genie »

You know what, I take most of any good things I may have said back

Keim can suck a dick. I thought Clad was immature well shit I shoulda just listened to Horizen when he said they share a brain, cause they obviously do. Keim is a retard who doesnt even know how to fucking speak english. (Lets say the word Legacy and say the G like a J.)

Keim, props for staying with that fucktard Clad, but you pulled one retards method way of sticking it to yer former guild, a guild who backed you on a lot of retard situations. I hope you get the plague and die. Good life bitch.

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Post by shiram »

funny thing is they can still post here and whatnot
since we're an open comunity and whatnot
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Horizen »

Genie wrote:I shoulda just listened to Horizen
That's all I am saying.

If my wife had just learned that I might still be married. Thank GOD she never learned that lesson.

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Post by Horizen »

And I think it is spelled Kiem. But pronounced Came as in Clad came in Kiem's eye.

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Post by Genie »

Vent translate Keim to Keem, so we should call him Keem from now on :|

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Post by Genie »

Aalen just said the funniest thing to me about the situation.

"I cant believe they went imperial. Its like coming home and finding out your best friend turned gay"

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Post by Octa »

This is great stuff, keep it going. Oh yeah, you can always play EQ2. :lol:

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Post by Genie »

EQ2 can suck my left nut.

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Post by keim »


I never tried to recruit anyone from stone and they only people I have any problems with are Genie and Horizen.

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Post by Horizen »

keim wrote:CMN!

I never tried to recruit anyone from stone and they only people I have any problems with are Genie and Horizen.
I am just curious ... why do you have a problem with me? What did I do to you that was so bad?

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Post by keim »

your mean 2 people. I.E. frezzn, clad.

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Post by Genie »

keim wrote:CMN!

I never tried to recruit anyone from stone and they only people I have any problems with are Genie and Horizen.
You dumbass, you told me the reason yer mad at me is because I didnt mother Horizen and kick his ass for badmouthing Clad

I guess the basic point is yer a fucking quitter. Everytime we did anything and you DIED you QUIT! Your a fucking loser and a fucking quitter and I could give two shits to the wind what the hell you do.

And your next reply better be a good one...

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Post by Horizen »

keim wrote:your mean 2 people. I.E. frezzn, clad.
And you are not mean to people? And if you had such a problem with it why didn't you say something? I know that when I have a problem with someone I talk to them about it and at the very least tell them. If I remember right you laughed when I was fucking with Frezzn and you were laughing about Clad crying about me fucking with him in vent ... your words. And Frezzn used to laugh at my jokes, and come right back at me so I did not think he had a problem with me. If he did he hid it well. He asked a lot of questions and I tried to help him (when I started busting his balls was when he would ask the same question 50 times). And if I remember Clad was just as "mean" as I was.

Drop your pants, reach between your legs and if you have a set of balls then act like it. Just tell someone straight up, "I have a problem with what you are doing" or "I don't like it when you XXXX" If you can't find them then go soak in a hot tub and wait for them to drop ... once they drop see above on how you should act.

I at least respect people that will stand up for themselves instead of running around and crying about things behind people's back. I don't know if you were around when Jeff and Jon were on vent but the 3 of us were ruthless to each other, but they are brothers and we are good friends. If you can't take someone talking shit to you and being a smart ass then you should not start shit.

And according to your good friend Clad I should have been mad at you since according to him you were the "brain child" behind ganking me.

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Post by Horizen »

Genie wrote:
keim wrote:CMN!

I never tried to recruit anyone from stone and they only people I have any problems with are Genie and Horizen.
You dumbass, you told me the reason yer mad at me is because I didnt mother Horizen and kick his ass for badmouthing Clad
Just for future reference if this is true and I am sure it is ... it just proves my point that you need to stop running to others and telling on people. Learn to handle your own problems. Just tell someone when you have a problem with how they are acting or you have a problem with what they are saying. Not once did you ever say anything to me about me fucking with Clad ... as a matter of fact you were laughing about it and laughing about how he was crying about being kicked out of vent.

If Genie had come to me and said you had a problem with how I was treating Clad I would have told Genie to forget it, and you could talk to me about it. If Genie had asked me to back off b/c he wanted it I would have considered it just because I have respect for Genie. If you don't like the way I act in Vent then buy your own server account and you be admin and you can dictate how others act. But while it is my vent server that I am paying for I will talk to people how ever I feel. If they don't like it they have the option to log out.

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Post by Crow »

Comedy gold...

Seriously I've never known Horizen to fuck with anyone for the sake of fucking with them. He's a jackass alright but so am I and so is Clone, thats the best part about Stone, the ability to be a jackass to each other and in the end work things out into a mutual unit of friends. I never heard frezzn bitch about anyone or share any concerns.

Honestly if you guys would have talked with genie or myself about the issue we probably wouldn't be here today bitching at each other. Its always been about Clad, the one day you logged off after missing a chance at a Old republic hilt and were thinking of respecing out of Jedi still burns fresh in my mind. Minor little things blew out of proportion.

You got schooled solo in a guild war you offered to us, the original plan was to roll into theed and blow the three of you out of the water before you could run to the med center. Make you guys look like fools infront of anyone around and end the war. Things went bad for one of you and the rest of the guild didn't show up to help you.

We might be noobs and useless at pvp when you guys want us to be around but while you were hugging the nuts of Genesis and his combat medic /bo tr noobish ways we were out doing our pvp thing. No one remembers Rage as a pvp group and thats where you were when Stone made its name. We lost alot of good guys and the core group of out pvpers but those guys are remembered by the people who actually count on the server. NGE is shit and everyone knows it, instead of a couple of awesome templates theres 9 classes and only 4 people actually play. Three medics these days is the same thing as 3 combat medic / rifles back when classes mattered.

One last thing, if you have a problem with a bully go talk to a adult. Mcgruff the crime dog should have taught you that. :lol:
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

Friends don't let friends educate their children in South Carolina

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Post by Styrofoam »

goddamn jeff, john, are all fuckers. I hate you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long live clad and Keim!!!!!

Of course - thats just bullshit obviously, but damn i can be keim/clad grow up about this shit...its a game ffs. Horizen, die plz kthx?

Stone was seriously started by Crow, Matti, Babycakes, Kadian, Zoso, Roam and I as a place where we could all play the damn game together - because we were like brothers (and in the case of matti and baby husband/wife) and had known eachother for years. In comes plug because, he too was a brother. Then as we grew in game and allowed people like asep, the LoG guys etc etc - it was like adding new people to a somewhat disfunctional family (anyone recall Plug v Crow rd 1?)

Anyways the moral of the story is grow the fuck up and quitchabitchin. Keim, you and I have always been cool so no hard feelings, but lets try and keep the bitchin' on this forum to an absolute minimum. If you guys want to have it out, have it out in game, but lets not let this spat in a game carry over to RL (or as close to RL as some of us even get)

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Post by Genie »

we're bitching here to keep it off the Radiant forums where Keim placed it out in the open for all to see.

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Post by Genie »

For those Ex-Stoners who dont know the whole details, lemme paraphrase it.

About a few months ago, Keim and Clad disbaned from Stone (One of many I might add) to form a guild to war other guilds with. They said they wanted to GW everyone on the server, no limits. So I put it on from Stone. I thought perhaps they would feel free to turn it on and do some friendly combat now and then til they stopped the GW and came back to the Stone yard. Anyhow, I didnt realize they would do exactly what they did do. They used findfriend to hunt down half the guild in one night. Celebritus told me if he knew how to disbanned right at that moment, he would have and never looked back. Horizon got it worse though. He was camping Hal Razor for a few hours and got nothing. The two WET members rolled out via /findf and ganked him. Because he was combatant, they couldnt rez him and he wasted his time out there. They never officially apologized to him and he took it personally.

During the time between Keim had always tried getting us to PvP with him, but it was usually when the guild already had plans, most of us didnt want pvp at the time and we had focus on other things. We were heavy into the Saturday Space events that our guild sponsored and thus didnt really pvp on the ground. So here we are not supporting Keim 90% of the time on the ground and recieving prolly 10% of his support in space(PvP or otherwise). Horizen would constantly kick Clad out of vent and belittle him, but for the most part Clad never confronted Horizen about it. According to Horizen Keim did apologize but it was kinda like a "Sorry..." sarcasm that came out.

Well anyhow, Wed. night Keim and Clad are in yet another GW guild and have declared on us. The third member of the guild (Wilem) prohibited a GW challenge to his guild Dark, yet they put a Stone challenge up. Crow thought since we had enough Stoners on, we could roll them. At this time I saw Clad in Moe all by himself. So I rolled out to the guild hall, let the Stoners gather in Moe and flipped the switch. Horizen got his revenge and Stone smacked off 70 pvp rating from Kives. Clad threw a hissy and said he was done. I talked him into letting me sort things out, but Later that night Keim sent out an email to me saying he was done. By the next login I saw not only Keim in Dark's GW guild, but he was imperial too. I never had a chance to even try to convince them to NOT leave us.

The last straw was Keim belittling Stone and myself, taking it to the Radiant forums. I tried being nice to him and he basically said it was my fault, I shoulda watched Horizen. the worst part is not ONCE did they try and talk civil. It went from "Hey guys, we lieks you" to "stfu: you guys are shit without us."

I for one am quite excited to see what other types of retard slander they will toss cause im done replying there. Here on the other hand, is open mic night.

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Post by Styrofoam »

stay tuned for another episode of days of our lives
