I tried Everquest 2 again

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I tried Everquest 2 again

Post by keim »

Friend let me install everquest 2 and use what was left of his sub before it was up and this is what i got.... again.

quest sux

pvp not as good as swg currently is.

Overal fun over time "I dub this FOT" lacking.

But in good news guild wars factions looks like it will pwn swg to hell so hope 2 see some of u on gwars or swg.

Also Spore > all imo kthx

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Post by ZoSo »

it's not a solo game
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Post by StormCrow »

see the difference between grouping for entertainment and grouping because of NECESSITY is VERY different.

people don't want to be forced into grouping to things as simple as easy low level quests or random world pvp.

people want to be able to enjoy the game without resorting to shit like forced grouping and overly difficult encounters in which soloing is nigh-impossible.

just cause the pvp is "good" doesn't mean the game is "good" it could quite possibly be "shit"

have you played a game with good pvp?

games include GW, DAOC, WOW (this is open to opinion, but it isn't completely imbalanced like you'd think) almost forgot Shadowbane, which was nothing but a gigantic pvp fest.

and i don't really enjoy grouping to pvp, i find it unnecessary why can't i just run up and try to gank the guy without needing a group?

in wow i atleast have a pretty decent chance vs all classes.

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Post by ZoSo »

good god, man

I group because I'm a power gamer and it's the most efficient way to get things done. If you had the urge, you could solo all the way to level 70. You must be grouped and be in a good guild to have the best gear and best XP. But if you just want to play the game, then you can just play. No one is forcing you to powergame to have fun in the game.

PVP servers are hardcore, brand new and are not for people that do not know the game. If you are a noob you can NOT expect to get the feel of a game after playing for one day on a PVP server with no guild, no group and no support. The people that will gank you are the most hardcore of the hardcore and you should expect this.

I don't see how you can take five words of mine and form a whole opinion on how EQ2 PVP is unbalanced or "shit". I solo PVP every day, as does every other person in the guild.

Is there a class that owns every other class solo? NO.
Does skill and gear make up for a lot in the game? YES.
Is it too complicated for some people? YES.
Do some people not like getting ganked while solo because others choose to group? YES.
Is it your own fault? YES.
Does the game need more people from WOW? NO.

frankly, I'm sick of your uninformed bias. I'm not a fucking retard, and I wouldn't play a bad game.
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Post by StormCrow »

well when you say "its not a solo game" you pretty much say "this game sucks unless you are in a group"

therefore, the game sucks if your not in a group /gasp!

and i seriously doubt you can solo to the level cap effectively, keyword effectively, in EQ2.

chances are you could, but it would probably not nearly as efficient, or even time efficient to do so.

and you can't call EQ2 pvp hardcore, by hardcore, you mean gankfest against groups of people just out to gank and not to accomplish jack, thats how it goes in online pvp, the difference between hardcore and non hardcore is the nonhardcore usually don't get off to kill people 24/7 and actually seek to advance in a meaningful way.

Did you ever play eq1? if the answer is no, you can't possibly fathom the suck that game was, or how much MORE the suck was multiplied pvping.

no pvp balance, no faction balance, all of it was just gank gank gank gank gank, you didn't advance you didn't do shit.

now when you try to compare EQ2 to wow and say EQ2 is somehow better off without us "wow players" but the fact is, i'm not making fun of EQ2 just because i hate it, i'm making fun of it because, well it IS worse than any other game i've ever played online, Including EQ1, which i just said sucked ass.

the 2 weeks i tried playing eq2 were probably the lamest in my life, i didn't enjoy shit, from the little "story" quests which advanced you, to the optional quest, there were infinitely less thought out then wow, and even more completely vague.

i had one quest which was marked like lvl 11? non heroic, then when my group me (i was playing a bard, and the other 2 were a fighter guy and i believe a mage? ) but anyways we get to theend of this shitty quest, and the mob is a lvl 14 heroic+++ guy we get totally decimated, what kinda game is this a lvl 11 nonheroic quest gets flagged impossibly low when the guy you have to kill can take probably 10+ people of my level.

shit like that turned me off of this game.

truthfully i don't even know how you could effectively pvp with the retarded jumble of buttons that is the so called user interface.

anyways, i played back when the game first came out, i suppose that they must've fixed everything and made it not suck, but you can't release some garbage ass game and expect to patch it 100 times and expect people to want to play it again.

whereas atleast in wow, i can level up doing nonelite quests and not have to worry about the boss being 3 levels too high and elite, that kinda shit doesn't fly.

luckily WOW came out about 2 weeks after EQ2 did, so i got my fix of MMORPGS playing wow's stress test beta and then buying wow!

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Post by Styrofoam »

StormCrow wrote: anyways, i played back when the game first came out, i suppose that they must've fixed everything and made it not suck, but you can't release some garbage ass game and expect to patch it 100 times and expect people to want to play it again.

This seems to be the mantra of all that is SoE though. ROFL ROFL ROFL

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Post by Genie »

Foam, depends on how you look at it, personally SWG has done some changes to make the nge playable and likeable.

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Post by Styrofoam »

err only a joke :-p

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Post by Mikeyrat »

Genie wrote:Foam, depends on how you look at it, personally SWG has done some changes to make the nge playable and likeable.
Well, I think it depends on how the changes are made and what they do. It seems to me that now, SWG is a compendium of things that just so happened to stick to the wall when they threw them up there to see if they would. I mean it really is a whole different game now, based on my observations of kiddo's play.

WoW, on the other hand, got its 10th patch today. All the patches have done is add more content, and fiddle with some skills and items to fine-tune the balance of the game. The game mechanics remain basically unchanged. True, it is still an infant compared to SWG, but to make such radical changes, even over time, is not the best of ideas, IMO.
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Post by StormCrow »

2 years is a pretty respectable timeframe for a major mmo, especially with the significant member base (6 million?)

especially with some huge flops that have happened overthe years MMO wise.

but wows finally getting a x-pac, i'd wager oct-dec timeframe, in time for X-mas.

but who knows.

i'm back to pvping in wow pretty hardcore, and i made about 200k honor this past week.

think i might make the attempt for HWL but thats some serious grindage

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Post by Genie »

btw, I called "kiddo" kiddo ingame the first couple times I saw him playing.

He got mad at me

"thats something pa just kinda made up when he talks about me on there"

I never did ask him what we should call him though :|

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Post by RoamingMadness »

rofl.. thats funny

how old is he?
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Post by Mikeyrat »

He'll be 9 on the 10th of April. I've always used "kiddo" online to keep him anonymous. Not just here, but everywhere. This is more to make his grandmother happy than me, him or anyone else. Feel free to call him by his toon's name or whatever you please.
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Post by Mikeyrat »

StormCrow wrote:2 years is a pretty respectable timeframe for a major mmo, especially with the significant member base (6 million?)

especially with some huge flops that have happened overthe years MMO wise.

but wows finally getting a x-pac, i'd wager oct-dec timeframe, in time for X-mas.

but who knows.

i'm back to pvping in wow pretty hardcore, and i made about 200k honor this past week.

think i might make the attempt for HWL but thats some serious grindage
Have you done any AVs since they changed the faction turnins? Have they changed the bonus honor at all as well?
Old Man.

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