A jesus joke...

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A jesus joke...

Post by Styrofoam »

Only 2 of my friends (plus me) thought this was funny...everyone else was offended...

some background info here... we were at a toga party (it was dry, but that didn't stop some of us from drinking anyways). This party happened to be at a really good friend of mine's house. She's mormon. Well, we'd been doing mormon jokes all day...things like "Wow, your table has some really nice coasters" and putting our soda on the book of mormon. ANYHOW, My buddy donny opens up the BoM and in the front are painted illustrations of various stories / interpretations of Jesus doing different thigns. Well in one painting jesus had his mouth slightly ajar, looking up slightly and eyes closed with his hand on the back of a young man's head who was kneeling at his feet....seemingly doing a blessing. What it ACTUALLY looked like was... well, you can probably guess what it looked like. My buddy donny shows me this picture and laughs and i grab the book and ask rather loudly "Oh my god what is Jesus doing to this guy?" To which only me, Donny and his twin brother ricky laugh (hysterically mind you) while everyone else in the room seems flabbergasted i'd even make that connection let alone say it out loud. I really thought i was going to get mobbed...

Did I cross a line here? I mean...i was told that i was WAAAAAAY across some invisible line on that one. I'm a christian myself and still found it funny as shit - knowing full well that it was only a joke, but like 9 other people were shocked adn outraged i made such a joke. Anyhow, any opinions on this?

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Post by RoamingMadness »

The coaster thing was worse. If i cared about my religion and you did that, id probably punch you in the face.
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But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

There probably isn't any meaning in life. Perhaps you can find something interesting to do while you are alive. Like how you found that flower. Like how I found you.

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Post by shiram »

what a bunch of douches
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Styrofoam »

but was over a line? i dont feel i was, but most every1 else does.

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Post by shiram »

to me, this equates to those prohet jokes and the people revolting about it
albeit on a lesser degree
it might not have been a very mature joke, but its a toga party anyways

over the line, no
immature, yes
but then being immature is fun
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Styrofoam »

thats exactly how i feel.

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Post by Bane »

GHehehe, i think your didnt cross no line. relgion is in this world for one thingm, and one thing only, for us non-beleivers to make fun of.
no just joking, but imho, just for making fun of A PICTURE doenst mean you make fun of the whole reliogion. the only one who should be offended is the one who painted the pic perhaps, he did a crappy job painting the jesus anyways..

and btw, arte the any mature jokes?
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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