Harry Potter and the Half Blood prince: The real Script!

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Harry Potter and the Half Blood prince: The real Script!

Post by Styrofoam »

Opening credits: We've got screen time!!! Hooray!

Bridge: I'm cracking and rocking. O NOES!!!!

Muggles: Help! aaaaaaaaah

Bellatrix: I'm crazy. Can't you tell by my hair?

Narsissa: How did we get cheated out of the opening scene? Doesn't the book open w/ us?

Snape: I am evil. Can't you tell? I talk really slowly and wear all black.
David Yates: So far so good. Only destroyed the book completely and we're only on chapter 1!

Audience: Yawn

Bellatrix: DO IT.

Everyone: Wtf are you talking about?

Bellatrix: You know... it... the unbreakable vow.

Everyone: ooooh that...whats that?

This scene: ends.

Scene that never happened in the book: I'm happening in the movie!

Waitress: Did that picture move? I thought it did

Harry: No.

Waitress: You're cute

Harry: You're not....Dumbledore?

Dumbledore: Don't be so stupid Harry you should be at home with the Dursleys

Dursleys: We're not actually in this film.

Dumbledore: Lets go do something harry.

Dumbledore's hand: Is blackened and charred

Harry: What are we doing?

Dumbledore: Follow me

Harry: Oh a weird looking chair:

Chair: Ouch don't sit on me

Dumbledore: Got ya

Slughorn: Got me. I'm not gonna teach. Oh is that harry potter? Okay i'll teach.

Harry: is confused

Dumbledore: Doesn't explain.

Dumbledore's hand: Anyone notice I am charred? No one has said anything about me... so...

Dumbledore: Lets go to the burrow!

Harry: Ok

Ginny: Is Harry here?

Molly: No

Harry: Yes I am you stupid witch

Molly: Oh hi Harry!

Everyone: Goes to Daigon Alley

Malfoy: Looks suspicious

Nothing else: Happens

All the kids: Are on the hogwarts express

Hermione and Ron: Even though we were prefects in the book, we would rather sit with you harry!

Neville and Luna: Are not here

Harry's Invisibility cloak: Use me goddamn it

Harry: Uses Instant Darkness powder instead

Harry's invisibility cloak: Fucking git.

Harry: Thats it. I'm only using you once this entire movie despite using you countless times in the book!

Malfoy: Whats that noise? Oh its just Harry Potter. Bye! Oh yeah, you're cursed!

Harry: Oh no! My nose is broken and I can't move. When is Tonks going to save me?

Luna: Here I am!

Harry: Tonks?

Luna: No, I'm Luna. Tonks is a minor character. She can't get any screen time. This is my cameo.

Harry: Makes sense.

McGonnagal: Potter why are you just sitting there? Go to potions class. You too Weasley!

Harry and Ron: Okay. :-( :-(

Slughorn: Oh i'm glad you made it. Get a book out of the cubbard.

Ron: Dibs on the nice looking one.

Harry: Shit. Oh wait. Haha Half blood prince knows potions

Audience: Finally, we're getting the plot!

Harry: Wins luck potion

Ginny and some guy: Start kissing

Daniel Radcliffe: Tries to act angry.

Ron and some girl: Start kissing too

Hermione: starts crying.

Teen romance subplot: You mean I am the main plot of this movie?!?!

Real plot: Takes a back seat

Hermione: Cheats

Harry: Pretends to cheat

Ron: Is oblivious to everything

Neville: makes his single cameo appearance

Malfoy: Kills a bird

Half Blood Prince: Wrote something in the book

Harry: "Sectumsempra!"

Malfoy: bleeds

Snape: Only looks at Harry.

Malfoy: Still bleeding

Snape: Continues to look at harry.

Malfoy: Moans, still bleeding.

Snape: Heals malfoy.

Harry: Runs away.

Teen Romance Subplot: Continues to be the main plot

Real plot: Kills itself.

Audience: Wait, which Harry potter is this?

Dumbledore: "Make sense of these two memories....The other ones don't matter."

Harry: "Wait what?"


Ginny: "uh, you gotta hide the book."

Half Blood Prince: Knows dark magic

Harry: "Okay, maybe I'll see ravenclaw's diadem in there."

Ginny: "No, close your eyes so we can rewrite more of the book!!!"

The burrow: Gets attacked

Audience: "WTF???"

David Yates: "I hate the burrow. It had to be destroyed. Great scene though, right? right? riiiiight?"

Audience: "..... uh..... i guess?"

David Yates: "Can't talk, got more book to rewrite! MORE ROMANCE ANGST!!!!"

Audience: Groans

Dumbledore: "Get Slughorn's real memory"

Harry: "Okay..."

More teenage love angst: Happens

Rupert grint: Acts really well.

Ron: Almost dies.

Harry: Saves Ron's life....somehow.

Harry: "Can i get your memory Sluggy?"

Slughorn: "No!"

Harry: :(

Slughorn: "Go away!"

Harry: Gets high

Slughorn: "Here you go! i love it when kids to drugs! Horcruxes are bad, mmkay?"

Dumbledore: "Come with me Harry! get a broom stick"

David Yates: "I hate brook sticks.. Disapparate you fucking old prick! DO IT..."

Harry: "Wait a minute... you can't disapparate from Hogwart....can you?"

Audience: "Yeah, wait a minute"

Dumbledore "apparently i can now!"

Audience: Wait, how'd he know where to come? We never saw this memory?

David Yates: "Magic..."

Audience: "...but..."

David Yates: "I SAID MAGIC!"

Dumbledore: Cuts himself.

Harry: "wtf?"

Dumbledore: Drinks the potion.

Harry: "that was stupid!"

Dumbledore: "Water please."

Harry: "here you go ... Oh my god, its 100 gulloms from Lord of the Rings!"

Gulloms: "Preeeeecccccciiiiiiiooooooouuuuuuusssssss"

Audience: "Why are there gulloms?"

David Yates: "Inferi... didn't I mention those earlier like in chapter 2?"

Audience: "no"

David Yates: "....Magic..."

Dumbledore: Uses water resistant fire

Gulloms: Go away and never come back.

Harry's Invisibility cloak: Is forgotten.

Dumbledore and Harry: Apparate back to Hogwarts

Malfoy: "Dark Lord I fixed the vanishing cabinet! Now your army of Death eaters can enter the school and wage a war of hatred and extermination of all mudbloods in Britain!

Voldemort off screen unheard: "Yesssssss... except that instead of waging war, they can just enter Hogwarts, run around and do nothing. Then you can kill Dumbledore and they can break a bunch of glass and blow out some candles!!

Malfoy: You mean....I fixed this vanishing cabnet, bled all over a bathroom floor for that? I could have done that without death eaters!

Deatheaters: Enter Hogwarts

Harry's invisibility cloak: Bet you wish you had me now! haha stupid git

Harry: Hides in plain sight

Snape: Makes his third and final appearance

Harry: wtf snape?

Snape: quite harry

Dumbledore: Severus please....

Snape Kills Dumbledore.

Dumbledore: Thanks bro

Snape Runs away.

Daniel Radcliffe: Tries to act angry

Harry: Fight you coward! Sectumsempra

Snape: Fool! Don't shout out your spells use nonverbal ones.

Harry: Wait whaaaaat?? You can do that?

David Yates: Oh shit, i knew i forgot something...

Snape: Oh, and by the way, I'm the half blood prince

Audience: The halfblood what now?

Alan Rickman: Wait a damn minute...Snape is the half blood prince? This movie is named after my character....and i get 2 minutes of screen time... I'm calling my agent. Maybe they can get me a cameo in New Moon.

Chris Weitz: Sorry Alan... We here at Twilight are dedicated to making the worst movie possible, and we already have competition from Half Blood Prince. Having a well known actor such as yourself would instantly make this movie better. We can't have that.

David Yates: Why do you think I only gave him 3 scenes?

Alan Rickman: Fuck my life

Audience: Why the fuck is this movie called half blood Prince? I don't get it. Shouldn't it be called, Harry Potter and the Half re-written novel?

Another scene not in the book: Happens

End Credits: Woohoo! more Screen time than Alan Rickman!

im so disciplined i fold my pocket kings 1 out of every 3 times i get them

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