Tid bits of information

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Tid bits of information

Post by Hylandor »

Grabbing some posts from the devs

"One of the largest issues with a bartering system is that it prevents any ease of entry into the system for players. I have an item and I think it's probably worth something, but I have no idea what its worth and no easy way to find out. You have an item I want, but I have no idea what you may want for it or if I'm going to get a fair trade for it. You may throw a bunch of acronyms at me, get frustrated I don't know what I'm doing, and then leave. That's not going to be a positive experience for either of us, and neither of us get what we want out of it. With a stable economy and currency, there's at least a common language that anyone can understand regardless of their game knowledge. "

I hope currency doesn't become THE value indicator. Gold was pretty much useless in Diablo2, aside from certain vendored items. They should put in some money sinks, but not give currency too much trading value.

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Post by Hylandor »

"Diablo is a trading game, and we have no plans to change that. We don't have any inclination to make items bind to a character, or otherwise remove trading opportunities.

Will there be absolutely no items that will be bound to a character? It isn't possible to say with any certainty at this point, there might be."

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Post by Hylandor »

"There will almost definitely be some sort of system to respec; however, it isn't likely to be as liberal as World of Warcraft. We don't want to lock a player into a system that punishes them for mistakes, experimenting, or lack of knowledge early on in the game. We also don't think a system that allows immediate, complete, and at-a-whim changes to a character spec matches the feel of Diablo. It's likely to be somewhere in between.

That said we still feel like the desire to play the same class again that you may have played before is still a part of the game, and with some ability to respec could potentially require other incentives. "

I think I'd be okay with a 1 or 2 respec limit, but not something that is easily obtained, or endless in use. I like the "hardcore" aspect it brings to the game.

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Post by ZoSo »

good stuff
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Post by Bane »

I liked the way to barter in DII, I wouldn't want to change much, only to perhaps make gold slightly more usefull than it was in DII so that gold instead of SOJ or high runes become the currency. Dunno how they could do that though, heh..

I hate the idea of re-specing! One of the most frustrating as well as interresting and challenging aspects of DII was that every point mattered and if you made a mistake leveling up, you pretty much had to say bye-bye to that char and make a new one, heh.. The good thing was that it didn't take long to make a new char and level him up. I don't want any re-speccing at all, not skills, not abilites, nothing. Too bad they don't think as I do, though, heh..

I'm not a big fan of character bound items either, tbh. I was not a fan at all of the crazy great items that 1.10 brought into the mess that was the trading scene in DII, stuff like the annihilus and whatnot, was almost to good to be fun, but I think that if antything should be bound to you, then it should be the greatest of items, so that you cannot MF a thousand of'em and flood the market with those items, thus making their value drop and soon eveyone has the best charm.

Thanks for diggin up some info and sharing!
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Post by flint »

according to diablofans there will be no equipment binding, the necromancer will not be a playable class, and more classes will be announced at Blizzcon
if youre gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
shiram wrote:heh seeing as how the only other members we've seen in bathing suit are, iirc, Lisa, and mac...

so yea

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