Anyone still playing WoW?

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Anyone still playing WoW?

Post by RoamingMadness »

Just wondering.
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Post by phreek »

Playing WoW very heavily. Stormcrow, Mikey, and me are in a raiding guild together and play quite regularly! I've been kinda afk for the last few weeks (months) because of everything going on IRL, but I still raid quite a bit. Waiting for the xpack to come out, it's going to be great.

Phhreak 60 Shaman / Zuluhead

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Post by Hylandor »

Going strong

Raiding 5 times a week minimum. I play on Daggerspine.

I look forward to the xpac too, although the 25 man raid cap might cause turmoil within the guild.

I see you play on Zuluhed. I have a Shaman there. I helped grind him up with my brother the day Zuluhed was created. Was in Pathogen, but that broke up rather early.

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Post by Mikeyrat »

Well, the 25 man caps will be for the new instances in the outlands. Plenty of 40 man left in the current areas. Also, it sounds like these areas are going to be good for levelling, and all that will be easier with people your level. Given folks level at different paces, getting an optimal group of 25 may be easier than having to have 40 level 68-70s to go into an end-game instance. Also, everyone seems so damn convinced that we'll just hop on for a week and be at 70. I'm not so sure.

Many guilds, like the HoEs Phhreak and I are in, are now experiencing a lot of turn-over. The game is getting aged. If even 25% of our people decide not to go into Xpack, or or wait until after the first 2-3 weeks of release (or roll palidans from scratch), we're screwed for 40 mans anyway. We simply don't have the roster, and we don't want to carry that many anyway. 45-50 actives is all we want, or too many get left behind on 40 man raid nights.

Personally, I think Blizz was smart with the 25 mans. I think many guilds, even the hard core groups, will find 25 the perfect number for some time to come. Super hard-core guilds will just field 50 in 2 groups. And why would we believe that just because BC doesn't come out with any 40 man Outland instances that none are in the offing? After all, all we had, bacisally, at release of WoW was MC to look forward to.
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Post by Hylandor »

Mikeyrat wrote:Well, the 25 man caps will be for the new instances in the outlands. Plenty of 40 man left in the current areas. Also, it sounds like these areas are going to be good for levelling, and all that will be easier with people your level. Given folks level at different paces, getting an optimal group of 25 may be easier than having to have 40 level 68-70s to go into an end-game instance. Also, everyone seems so damn convinced that we'll just hop on for a week and be at 70. I'm not so sure.
Many guilds, including mine will be focusing on leveling up instead of raiding come expansion. Mid 60's we will most likely throw raiding back into the schedule, but we will not push for hardcore raiding until we can start getting 25 lvl 69-70's on nightly. Yes, the 40 man instances will still be in the game, but their appeal to actually raid them will drastically drop. The 25 man instances in the outlands will provide far better equipment. Also, the rumor is that going from 60-70 will take as long as it took going 1-60. Going strictly by this, I'm expecting to field a 25 man lvl 70 raid 6 weeks after expansion is released.
Mikeyrat wrote: Many guilds, like the HoEs Phhreak and I are in, are now experiencing a lot of turn-over. The game is getting aged. If even 25% of our people decide not to go into Xpack, or or wait until after the first 2-3 weeks of release (or roll palidans from scratch), we're screwed for 40 mans anyway. We simply don't have the roster, and we don't want to carry that many anyway. 45-50 actives is all we want, or too many get left behind on 40 man raid nights.
This is somewhat opposite for my situation. We are finally getting to the point in which we have 40-45 hardcore raiders. We have weeded out the casuals.
Mikeyrat wrote: Personally, I think Blizz was smart with the 25 mans. I think many guilds, even the hard core groups, will find 25 the perfect number for some time to come. Super hard-core guilds will just field 50 in 2 groups. And why would we believe that just because BC doesn't come out with any 40 man Outland instances that none are in the offing? After all, all we had, bacisally, at release of WoW was MC to look forward to.
I think Blizz was smart with 25 mans in the sense that they will maintain more customers. The current hardcore guilds, although upset, will deal with the change. The more casual guilds, or simply the smaller guilds love the change. I hate the fact that they wait this long to make such a huge change though. I've built my guild around the 40 man raid cap. Most of these people I have been raiding with for over 13 months. Every night before the raid I can expect to see ~45 people on and ready to go. Now I am either forced to recruit more people and run 2 IDs, which poses so many damn problems, or cut off recruiting, and limit raid spots.

Anyhow, the remedy I have chosen is to run a single 25 man raid system, but increase our raiding to 6 25 man raids per week. This should help thin out the amount of people who show up nightly. If we are to lose people over the months durring expansion, the raiding per week will be adjusted to correctly accomodate our memberbase.

I ask Blizzard, why not simply add 40 man AND 25 man zones? Itemization? Trying to focus on appealing to a different group of players? Server stability?

And as you hinted, I wouldnt doubt that Blizzard reintroduces 40 man zones post BC.

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Post by StormCrow »

Mikeyrat wrote:Well, the 25 man caps will be for the new instances in the outlands. Plenty of 40 man left in the current areas. Also, it sounds like these areas are going to be good for levelling, and all that will be easier with people your level. Given folks level at different paces, getting an optimal group of 25 may be easier than having to have 40 level 68-70s to go into an end-game instance. Also, everyone seems so damn convinced that we'll just hop on for a week and be at 70. I'm not so sure.

Many guilds, like the HoEs Phhreak and I are in, are now experiencing a lot of turn-over. The game is getting aged. If even 25% of our people decide not to go into Xpack, or or wait until after the first 2-3 weeks of release (or roll palidans from scratch), we're screwed for 40 mans anyway. We simply don't have the roster, and we don't want to carry that many anyway. 45-50 actives is all we want, or too many get left behind on 40 man raid nights.

Personally, I think Blizz was smart with the 25 mans. I think many guilds, even the hard core groups, will find 25 the perfect number for some time to come. Super hard-core guilds will just field 50 in 2 groups. And why would we believe that just because BC doesn't come out with any 40 man Outland instances that none are in the offing? After all, all we had, bacisally, at release of WoW was MC to look forward to.
this may be off topic for the Nerds lounge, but considering me mikey and phreek are all in HoE on zulu it may be a good place to bring it up... we are all officers ^_^

but anyways, strung seems to think that while everyone is questing and leveling to 60 they'll want to waste 3 nights a week trying naxx at lvl 62-65 or whatever, and i told him it was fucking stupid, not in such harsh words of course.

i told him i wouldnt be doing any 40 mans raids until i'm 70 and he was pretty pissed.

i dont think its going to take the months to level you guys think it will, there was no blizzard post about taking the same from 1-60 to go 61-70 that is complete BS.

but this is wow, a casual game for the mass market, there is not going to be any levels that take 1week + to make because it will turn off the people with very little play time.

remember the make their game for casuals, and they wont be changing it anytime soon.

and i'll tell you guys now, i'm leveling to 70 and then doing karazhan and the like, i'm not wasting my time in naxx when quest gear will be on par with naxx drops (from leaked screenshots )

personally i think as a guild we need to change some stuff come expansion time.

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Post by Mikeyrat »

Well, I don't think he'll be able to put together 40 people anyway, because a large majority will be off doing their thing. Besides levelling, there is a lot of new content, professions with higher caps to work on and get mats/gold for, new faction to grind, etc., etc., not to mention the arena PvP stuff to work for. Blue does say that players with Naxx gear will have it much easier levelling above 60.

As far as the time to level, I was basing it on conjecture of how Blizzard can maximize its return on its investment. If people blow through 70 in a week or two, people are going to feel short-changed. You can't make it frustratingly hard, either. My analysis is really based on when I levelled my druid. I hit 50 in about 5 days /played. It took me until 9 days /played to make 60 and that was mostly rested XP because she sat while I raided with the warlock. You can bet a good amount of that time was 58-60.

Officially, Blizzard refuses to state how long it will take because they're going to adjust it based on real testing. So even those who make the alpha/beta aren't necessarily going to be experiencing the real deal. Here's some official word: ... 312672.htm

BTW, that is a cool website that tracks blue posts.
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Post by RoamingMadness »

Seems to me, look at how much xp it takes to get from 59 to 60.

You know its gonna be more than that. I am, for example, a casual player. It has taken me a week of playing to make it to 22. I expect another week to 33. Another week to 40. Another week to 45. Another week to 50. And then... depending on how excited i get.. i might go at it hardcore till 60.

I expect most people will go hardcore on those last few levels. Just figure however long it takes to get to from 59 to 60. It'll take between 25 to 65 times that much xp to reach 70. If it takes you roughly one night to do that final level now. I'd get ready to spend around 45 days.
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Post by StormCrow »

did you start playing wow again? @roam

and also i think it'll probably take the average person 1+month (i'd say 2 months decent play to hit 60 for most people 1 level a day is pretty reasonable imo)

so i'd say it'll take 3 days or so per level to 70, if you play atleast 2-3 hours a day. so 3 weeks sounds like a reasonable timeframe. i dont expect it take 2-3 months, i'd feel angered if it did, i dont want to level for 3 months to go to karazhan and all the new lvl 70 stuff.

also the arena stuff sounds pretty fucking awesome.

i like the direction wow is taking, but i personally hope in an expansion down the road they take pvp to the DAoC level, by perhaps adding a new continent which is a complete pvp area, capturable keeps (or towns, whatever) capturable dungeons and stuff like that, i think it'd be pretty awesome.

it worked in DAoC even with certain factions fucked numberwise, i think it could possibly work in wow.

i like to pvp, but right now wow gives me very little incentive, especially taking 300k+ a week honor to pass my highest rank (legionnaire)

i'm liking how the new talents/spells are looking, and i think blizzard is trying to bring some reasonable balance to the wow universe.

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Post by Hylandor »

StormCrow wrote: so i'd say it'll take 3 days or so per level to 70, if you play atleast 2-3 hours a day. so 3 weeks sounds like a reasonable timeframe. i dont expect it take 2-3 months, i'd feel angered if it did, i dont want to level for 3 months to go to karazhan and all the new lvl 70 stuff.
That scenario would be 4.3 weeks, and I do think too fast. I just dont see it only taking 6-9 hours per level. It took 6-9 hours per level when we were mid 30's.

Also would be under the assumption your days were devoted to nothing but questing/grinding.

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Post by RoamingMadness »

I'm on twisting nether with 3 friends.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

There probably isn't any meaning in life. Perhaps you can find something interesting to do while you are alive. Like how you found that flower. Like how I found you.

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Post by StormCrow »

Hylandor wrote:
StormCrow wrote: so i'd say it'll take 3 days or so per level to 70, if you play atleast 2-3 hours a day. so 3 weeks sounds like a reasonable timeframe. i dont expect it take 2-3 months, i'd feel angered if it did, i dont want to level for 3 months to go to karazhan and all the new lvl 70 stuff.
That scenario would be 4.3 weeks, and I do think too fast. I just dont see it only taking 6-9 hours per level. It took 6-9 hours per level when we were mid 30's.

Also would be under the assumption your days were devoted to nothing but questing/grinding.
of course they would be devoted to questing, either way i think 4 weeks is a reasonable length of time to level, it only took me til early januay to go from 1-60 buying the game release day.

i'd say 10 levels taking 7 hours apiece or so would be a reasonabel timeframe, waszting your time on the journey is never as fun as getting to the reward imo.

that is from the info given that there'll be a fuckton to do come lvl70

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