No DIII in 2010 it seems.

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No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Bane »

Just read an article, it's in swedish so I won't link to it, where they quote an interview with Blizz's Rob Pardo. He doesn't say it explicitly, but it's quite obvious that DIII will not be released during 2010. He also admits that Blizz have a rather annoying way of always announcing their new games too soon.. no shit, sherlock :roll:

Damn, I had kinda hoped it would be released ~Q2-3 next year.
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by shiram »

announcing so soon makes sure to build the hype
we'll see starcraft in 2010 maybe?
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Darius »

Well, at BlizzCon 2009, Blizzard CEO confirmed D3 would be released in 2011 at the earliest, while 2010 would be the year of WoW: Cataclysm and StarCraft II. My guess is Cataclysm in fall 2010, SC2 - holiday season 2010 or early 2011 and D3 in late 2011 or early 2012. It's gonna take a long time IMO...
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Bane »

I just can't understand how these things can take so long to finish. True, I have absolutely no insight into the world of computer game making, but still, DIII looks to be in alpha! The engine looks rather finished, so can it then really take two years to create the chars wit htheir skills, the movies and the balancing? It just seems.. rather exaggerated imo.

Didn't even know they had a new WoW-expansion on the way, but I doubt that is a conflict with DIII's release. I do believe it would be economical suicide to release SC2 and DIII too close though, since it may affect the sales negatively.

Damn, I'm just bummed since I had been looking forward to DIII next year. I hadn't read anything from blizzcon, so wasn't aware of that info you mentioned Dar. I am looking forward to DII so much more than to SC2, so I hoped it was gonna be the other way around, DIII first and then later on, SC2.

Very well, I guess I have to suck it up and just wait. It's no like their is a lack of other games to play, heh.. Too bad there are so few games I actually want to buy so i can play MP. I am rather bored with playing stricly SP all the time. If only Borderlands would have been slightly improved when it comes to MP, I would have played that for some time.
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Darius »

D3 will definitely come after both WoW XP and SC2, if what Blizzard reps say is correct.

You're right though - D3 looks way too "mature", way too "finished" to be released so late. I guess it's more marketing/sales-driven. Many players came to WoW from D2. The new WoW add-on is supposed to be (probably) the game's last breath - a revitalizer that should reactivate many accounts, retain some subscribers and also acquire a few. If D2 is released shortly after Cataclysm, it will no doubt cannibalize WoW subscriptions, which are a cash cow for Blizz. I think what Blizz folks want to do is:

- release Cataclysm and SC2, since they both don't seem like internal competition,
- wait until the new MMO Blizz is working on is close to release,
- release D3 once the Cataclysm uproar has settled down and the WoW community starts its slow decline again,
- release the new MMO probably soon after D3, hoping that most players will migrate from WoW - D3 won't be a factor since it won't be pay to play.

This way, there won't be a "subscription revenue hole" caused by D3, since shortly after D3 release, the new MMO should take over.

Just my guess.
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Bane »

I agree with what you said, it soudns reasonble enough. I do believe, however, that there is a comflict between DIII and WoW though. I do think that releasing a new MMO and DIII can lead to loss of players for each game, 'cause I think some ppl will pick DIII just because it is no P2P game.

This ofc depends on what kind of MMO it is, not all games will have a sales conflict with DIII. Does anyone know what this new MMO of theirs will be? It can't really be based on the warcraft world ofc, and neither does it seem plausible it should be based on the diablo or star craft franchise. So I guess it have to be something completely new then.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Darius »

We know close to nothing about the new Blizz MMO. They only said it would be "completely different". We know it won't be based on WC/SC/Diablo world, and that it should be a pretty distinctive, innovative game. No idea what they're really doing at Blizz HQ.
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by StormCrow »

i'm going to have to start losing some weight so i don't die of a heart attack before this game comes out in like 2019.

pretty depressing know they've been working on this game since like 2003 and it won't be done until 2011-2012 :(

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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Crow »

Darius wrote:We know close to nothing about the new Blizz MMO. They only said it would be "completely different". We know it won't be based on WC/SC/Diablo world, and that it should be a pretty distinctive, innovative game. No idea what they're really doing at Blizz HQ.
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Re: No DIII in 2010 it seems.

Post by Darius »


TR at least died in a spectacular way.
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