
From the Orange Box to Minesweeper

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Post by Bane »

There's a version out already, gonna try it. It looks promising. I'll post a short review once I've installed and tried it our more properly.

Anyone else waited for and is planning on playing it? I think it looks really cool, gotta admit I love the graphics, and the rather wierd weapon spawning a la diablo seems rather fun!

edit: First impressions: Cool and still promising, but buggy. Perhaps it needs some patching (as most games nowadays) before it will actually be playable.
Last edited by Bane on Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Borderlands

Post by StormCrow »

i would buy this but i just spent 120$ on a Street fighter TE stick that i plan to dual mod for ps3 and xbox360 (possibly gamecube too so i can play it on the wii for tatsunoko vs capcom) but when i get some cash i was going to pick it up for PC on steam

although i'm buying torchlight tommorrow (its a diabloesque game) thats coming out on steam for 20$ single player only.

theyre working on making it into an MMO and the single player is to fund it i believe supposed to be really fun.

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Re: Borderlands

Post by shiram »

I'll get borderlands for ps3 eventually
but i jsut dont feel like paying 70$ plus tax on it just now
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Borderlands

Post by Bane »

Oh man, this is one helluva funny game! I've been playing almost 7 hours straight now, and it is indeed a really good game.

I just love the graphics, BUT I can't understand why the hell a game does not let the user choose any graphics options? All you can change is the resolution, and that is rahter lame. Luckily for me, my comp runs it good enough. It's really cool, with the comic-like gfx. I like it alot.

The game play is good as well. The RPG part of the game is not really hardcore, and the focus of the game is FPS. However, when you encounter enemies above your own level you will do alot less dmg vs them, and will probably not be able to kill them at all. you find new weapons as you level up, with different affixes as in Diablo. Some add dmg, some reduce the reload time, and some other add elemental dmg, like fire or electrical bursts.

I play the hunter, who primarely use sniper rifles and pistols. It suits my gaming style rather good, but should I restart the game I would prolly have chosen the soldier, who I guess have more HP, or the chick, who has alot of elemental skills methinks. My low HP is the achilles heel, as the hunter is rather weak as soon as someone comes up too close. And they do. There's alot of melee enemies, so one has to doge and fire, dodge and fire, alot.

You take new missions from a board in town, and you can also buy rudimentary equipment there, as well as ammo and HP. Then it's some "free roaming" while you search for the missions and stuff like that. Out in the wilds, enemies respawn fairlyoften, and that is IMHO a minor drawback. After some hours of gameplay, having to kill off those pesky level 2 beasts become a choir you would most likely avoid, and I find myself just running past them ignoring their attempts to attack. I am level 15 now, and about to kill the first major boss. I'm afraid my char has spent his skill points unwisely, but one can re-spec him for a fee, and that is good.

I think the game is super-fun in co-op. I love co-op, always have, always will, and perhaps I would even consider buying the game just to play it online. Trust me guys, whenI say I consider buying a game, it's a good game, hehe..

Shir, DL and try it out first. Personally I can't understand why you would rather play it on the PS than on a PC? FPS games is always better on a pc than on a console. (I hate pads :-/ ) This brings me to another minor drawback, imho, and that is saving. I don't udnerstand why so many games nowadays refuse to give the user the option to save whenever he/she wants and instead adds these fucking check points and auto-saves? What the fuck has happened? I hate how the console market has affected everything nowadays, from sloppy portings to crappy controls and no saves. The game seem to save the mission progress and the character stats, so it's really no harm done. You also respawn at the nearest save point with only a minor loss of gold, so this game is better than many otehrs, like fir instance, Red Faction: Guerilla, which I sincerely hated.

So, to sum it up, the game rocks and I give it a solid 8/10 on singe player. So far I have only encountered two glitches/bugs. One the first time I tried it where the tutorial fucked up and I had to start all over, losing approx half an hour of game play, and the other is a jump one should make but I keep hitting an "invisible" wall. Other than that, the game actually feels finished and not in dire need of patching!? :shock:

Edit: My bad, you can edit graphics options. I was just blind and obviously missed the small arrow that would show the other options, heh..
Last edited by Bane on Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Borderlands

Post by shiram »

i really dont have a working gaming pc
i got an old crap that basically just dl's torrent and i rip cd's on
and i got a my htpc for watching movies, music, and playing emulators

ps3 is just my easy gaming solution
plus my friends play on it too
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Borderlands

Post by Darius »

I also hate it how multiplatform releases have degenerated PC versions in terms of visuals, controls, customization, saving system, etc.

My buying algorithm is simple: if there is a PC version and it doesn't suck, I get it because of price, resolution/AA or controls (e.g. Batman AA, Wolfenstein, NBA 2k10, Dragon Age). If the PC version doesn't exist (NBA Live 10) or sucks (FIFA 10), I usually get the X360 one because of better visuals than on PS3. For PS3, I pretty much only buy exclusives (Uncharted 2, getting Demon's Souls now).

Haven't tried Borderlands yet, I may give it a shot.
w w w . t h e w i t c h e r . c o m

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Re: Borderlands

Post by Bane »

I can not stress this enough: this is truly an awesome game!
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Borderlands

Post by shiram »

just bought it on impusle for 55$
heh, its okay im going to have alot more free time starting on the 6th
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Borderlands

Post by Bane »

Are you losing your job? if youa re, then I am sorry for you,. Its not fun, btu it s ok for a while, at leasys if you can strae movies and pkay gamews to your heatrts content, haha.. but its gets old after some time.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Borderlands

Post by shiram »

nah i quit actually
though its not much better

i've had arguments with my boss, and he's been throwing insults and swearing at me, and the general workplace just sucks now
we're a paper media company, books, newspaper and all that, so we're taking hard hits right now, and it shows internally
so i'd just grown bored, depressed and tired of it, and couldnt take it anymore after the last argument with the boss, and i decided this place was no good for me, and gave my 2 weeks notice
i am in a situation where i can take a few months off, without too much worries, and i need it physically and mentally

so yea, i'll be playing some borderlands soon
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Borderlands

Post by Bane »

Good for you! Too many ppl take constant crap from their bosses without doing anything about it. So, it's good to hear you followed your heart and left that place.

And yes, I understand that you need some time off everything. I have done just that now, been unemployed since mid June, but only started looking for a new job early October, heh.. I needed some time off to recharge batteries and stuff like that.

Is finding work as hard in Canada as the rest of the industrialized world nowadays?
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Borderlands

Post by shiram »

im guessing that it is
though i dont know the unemployment rate and such other informations

im still working, untill this friday though
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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