Jaguars doing their best Bengal impression

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Jaguars doing their best Bengal impression

Post by flint »

First Matt Jones followed by Northcutt and Fred Taylor. Even retired Jimmy Smith got in on the action. Now, Collier (who was arrested earlier this year) and another retired Jaguar get shot while sitting in their car.

Styro whats happening to your Jags? They've never been known for this kind of behavior aside from that Jimmy Smith cocaine thing back in the day.
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Post by Styrofoam »

1) Matt Jones did get arrested

2) Fred taylor did NOT get arrested. It was a notice to appear. There is a difference. Fred Taylor was leaving a club in miami and as he was leaving the cops were showing up. They immidiately threw him against and a car and searched him. He said some cuss words at them and was given a NTA and he doesn't even have ot show up. His atourney is doing it

3) Northcutt has not been arrested, or charged with a crime...only accused by a woman of "sending his cousin to beat her up" there is no proof this happened. She is SUING northcutt (did not file criminal charges) because he makes money and is trying to get her piece of it, and the man who beat her up doesn't. Sounds fishy.

4) Jimmy Smith is no longer part of the team... who cares.

5) You can't SERIOUSLY blame collier for being shot?! Really? This isn't his fault. You can't blame the victims. They were at a club on monday night (their day off is tuesday) and followed some girls to a spot to continue the night with them. Then a man fired a number of shots into the drivers side window striking collier, and critically wounding him.

These are young kids. The DUIs are stupid.. but I promise there are young players drinking and driving all over the country, they just haven't been caught yet. Its not localized to the bengals or the jaguars... Its just a reflection of kids being kids.

I don't know what the fucking deal is about the arrests and shit, nor do I care. They have nothing to do with football.
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Post by flint »

I can't blame Collier for getting shot just like I can't blame Pacman for all the shit that has happened to him while out late at night. It's pretty fucking rare for someone to just randomly get shot for absolutely no reason. Strip clubs + shootings = he was somewhere he shouldn't have been doing something he shouldn't have been. Plus, it's not like the guy is a saint, he pleaded guilty to a DUI then gave some bullshit excuse about how he only did it (pleaded guilty) because he didn't want the team to deal with his legal troubles. If it looks like a duck and smells like a duck...

Dennis Northcutt I really think is being targeted. A woman gets beaten up by his cousin (I'm not even sure if that is clear at this point) and she points the finger at him? Sounds to me like she just wants money.

Fred Taylor was arrested, but he refers to it as a citation because he thinks it was wrong. Guess who still calls it an arrest? The police.

Jimmy Smith is retired as a player but he's still involved with the team.

Most other NFL teams do not have problems like this going on, and if you think it has nothing to do with football Marvin Lewis would beg to differ. You can't seriously think its just dumb luck that the Bengals had so many high profile altercations with the law while other teams didn't. Obviously the Jags are normally a pretty clean team but having 10 arrests as well as other brushes with the law over a two year time period is pretty ridiculous.

edit: Jags have the most arrests since 2007
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shiram wrote:heh seeing as how the only other members we've seen in bathing suit are, iirc, Lisa, and mac...

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Post by Styrofoam »

flint wrote:I can't blame Collier for getting shot just like I can't blame Pacman for all the shit that has happened to him while out late at night. It's pretty fucking rare for someone to just randomly get shot for absolutely no reason. Strip clubs + shootings = he was somewhere he shouldn't have been doing something he shouldn't have been. Plus, it's not like the guy is a saint, he pleaded guilty to a DUI then gave some bullshit excuse about how he only did it (pleaded guilty) because he didn't want the team to deal with his legal troubles. If it looks like a duck and smells like a duck...

Dennis Northcutt I really think is being targeted. A woman gets beaten up by his cousin (I'm not even sure if that is clear at this point) and she points the finger at him? Sounds to me like she just wants money.

Fred Taylor was arrested, but he refers to it as a citation because he thinks it was wrong. Guess who still calls it an arrest? The police.

Jimmy Smith is retired as a player but he's still involved with the team.

Most other NFL teams do not have problems like this going on, and if you think it has nothing to do with football Marvin Lewis would beg to differ. You can't seriously think its just dumb luck that the Bengals had so many high profile altercations with the law while other teams didn't. Obviously the Jags are normally a pretty clean team but having 10 arrests as well as other brushes with the law over a two year time period is pretty ridiculous.

edit: Jags have the most arrests since 2007
He was not arrested. He was not put in handcuffs, he was not booked. He was given a Notice to appear in court. And then the cops left. Period.

Jimmy smith has NOTHING to do w/ the team anymore..he's retired. Done. NO affiliation other than he USED to play with the jaguars. He used to play for hte cowboys... does that make him affiliated w/ them? that's a bullshit cop-out answer.

As for collier, yeah, his dui was stupid. I agree. And i agree that no other teams have arrested like this publisized because they haven't been made yet. (the DUIs) BUT that doesn't mean that they aren't happening. When you give college students millions of dollars they go out and do stupid shit. Its a fact of life. And to say that Collier is the same as Pacman is bullshit, flint. Collier was SET UP by the two girls he was meeting up with. He was at a club (not a strip club, a dance club) and two girls asked them to meet soon as they parked at the girls' car two men fired shots into the car. I'm not going to defend collier's DUI as something he did or didn't do... i don't care, really. But the shooting is not his fault. Why do we hold athletes to a higher standard than the rest of society? I can go to club and get shot and it's different than when a football player does it? c'mon now.
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Post by flint »

Jimmy Smith is employed by the Jaguars to give speeches to season ticket holders. His arrest was just down the road from Jacksonville.

Collier was not set up by two girls and their boyfriends. Why would anyone just want to shoot Collier and another ex Jag out of the blue? That is completely rediculous.

I tend to agree that we shouldn't hold athletes to a higher standard, but the fact is you would never get into a situation in which someone wants to shoot you. 99% of NFL players don't have people that want them dead. Normal, law abiding human beings are not being hunted down by random thugs. Its no coincidence that he was at a club beforehand.

I was wondering what your thoughts were on the subject of the Jaguars having so many issues with the law and taking on so many low character players because I know in the early 2000s many Redskins fans were pretty angry with the direction of the team when Sean Taylor and some other guys were having high profile brushes with the law. Instead you're just pretending that the lawman is out to get anyone wearing teal and gold. Yea, ok.
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shiram wrote:heh seeing as how the only other members we've seen in bathing suit are, iirc, Lisa, and mac...

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Post by Styrofoam »

I don't think they're out to get jaguars' players. I'm saying that DUI is not something that is unique to jaguars' players. It is common amongst EVERYONE in that age group. Its retarded decision making skills of youth + lots of money. The league does NOT do enough to teach responsibility to the young players.

As far as jacksonville dealing with "low characters" and as far as I can tell, the only REAL person who is TRULY low is Matt Jones, who had cocaine. No one is truly surpsrised by Jimmy Smith, everyone knew he retired because of drugs...

The DUIs are youth. Not low character. Yes they are against the law, but its not like these guys are murderers, child molesters, rapists, or wife beaters. They're (for the most part) 21-24 year old kids with a lot of money to blow and they do it. And this isn't just the jaguars' players, its around the league. The people getting hit with DUIS deserve to be punished... but to call them "low character" people because they make a stupid decision is beyond reprehensable IMO.

And for what its worth... Going to a club is not illegal. Going to a club in a bad part of town, not illegal. Stupid, maybe. Illegal? no. To blame this on collier is fucking retarded. Seriously. Its not HIS FAULT he got shot. He wasn't looking for trouble. He was spending his free time doing something in the confines of the law. He was shot. And now, he's fighting for his life, still in critical condition, and you're blaming him for his condition, when the REAL low life is the ass hole with the gun who shot him....

I go to clubs. I'm also smart enough to stay out of the bad ones, and smart enough to weigh the consequences of my actions to try and help me make better choices. But it didn't all come at once. We've all been young, and we've all be impulsive and stupid at some points in our lives. Football players are no loyalty aside.
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