Quantum of Solace

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Quantum of Solace

Post by shiram »

Well the new Bond is here, and i managed to score some premier tickets for last night
the action is there, the exotic locales are there, at least one pretty woman is there... but it doesnt feel like James Bond anymore
while trying to make a more gritty, actual spy, they tore away all the charm, and humanity of Bond.
Gone is the "Bond, James Bond" gone are the martinis, gone is the witty banter, gone the world threatening plots, gone the real evilness and vilains

they also employ what i feel is a very cheap editing format where action scenes are a huge montage of half a second shaking cam shots
yea it feels hectic and active, but you cant see anything

it feels like a copy of the last Bourne, which isnt a high mark
i was disapointed basically
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Bane »

True, these new bonds aren't really comparable to the old ones when it comes to charm and such things, nonetheless I think they are great movies and just because they have shaky cams doesn't mean they are just like bourne. It's not like Bourne was the first movie to do that.

Still, I too was kinda dissapointed as some things. In all his revenge and anger and all that, one thins dissapears completetly, and that's the main story (not the avenging part, I mean the rest). I can't really explain more since if you haven't seen it, it would be a spoiler ofc. But IMHO, Casino royal manages to balance the whole "new bond" thing with still having a great background story and some cool arch-villains, Quantom does not reach that balance.

Still it was a very enjoyable movie, I was never bored since it's pretty much action from frame one and onwards, heh.. See it on the cinema, don't DL it, I think it'll be less enjoyable then.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Post by shiram »

well my referring to Bourne is more in that its pacing and action settings are similar
as for shaky cam, i hate it, theres not justification for it in my view, its basically an easy way out : you just show whatever in blurry, shaky very short frames, and it looks hectic and intense
but the spectator sees nothing

yea the plot is weak, the villain is lame and non threatening, his scheme seems insignificant
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Bane »

It's just that I have seen and heard so many make exactly that comment, heh, that this Bond is nothing but a crappier version of Bourne. I happen to disagree with that,

But yeah, I agree on teh shaky cams, I fucking hate it. The first minutes of this movie almost made me sea-sick cause the cam was so shaky and I was sitting so far in the front of the cinema that I couldn't really see the whole screen without having to move my eyes. The shaky cam really fucked up my eyes, hehe..

It got better though, it was really just the first five minutes or so that was that horrific.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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