I ask this because kiddo and the wife are playing the "free" side of it, and want me to join in, but I refuse. Was it a SWG-style game that just hasn't caught on? Is it a long-term open beta? WTF is it?
Apparently you can play toons up to Combat Rank 6 for free until like March of next year. We downloaded something from station.sony.com, which was the launch panel, and it loaded the game (took about 6 hours) and Bob's your uncle... Planetside for free. It appears to either be an extended beta, or an extended trial to get people to buy it. I figured maybe it was doing so miserably they did this to try to save the franchise.
I know very little about Planetside; I do know it's a Station Access game from SOE. If you have a Station Access Pass you can play all of the SOE online games for one fee - $24.99/month. For instance, I have Station Access so I could play EQ, EQ2, SWG, MxO, and Planetsidefor one fee. There's some other games that I have never heard of on the list as well. I only play EQ2 and SWG (once in a blue moon). Station Access also gives you extra character slots and adventure pack access for no extra charge on EQ2. Anyway, enough about that. Website below as well.