I'm bored, what's new?

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I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

Really, the topic says it all. I'm bored as hell after finishing Mass Effect 2. I need something new to play, but dunno what the hell to get.

If all else fails I just maybe have to get back into DA:O again :-/
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by shiram »

they just released and expansion for dragon ages
torchligt is good too
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Darius »

Assassin's Creed II PC is still relatively new - DRM sucks but the game itself is good. There's an expansion pack for Dragon Age - Awakening, getting pretty good reviews (haven't tried it yet). Battlefield BC2 seems OK but I'm not so much into online FPS nowadays. C&C 4 seems to suck so it's hard to recommend. Machinarium - a niche game, a superbly drawn adventure featuring a little cute robot - an unorthodox game but really fun, check it out. Metro 2033 looks way overhyped IMO. Wings of Prey is a PC remake of Il-2 Sturmovik console game. Since I've been craving a flight sim for a while, I got it, and it's good. My joystick finally got some action after literally years of collecting dust.

As for consoles, GoW III is the big PS3 title now - although it's a very good hack'n'slash, I find the entire series a bit overhyped. Good yes, but cult status? No way. Heavy Rain is awesome, it's a "mental successor" to Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy but less convoluted and actually better. FFXIII looks pretty, and my wife loves it but I hate this JRPG stuff, plus the music is absolutely craptastic. Bleh.
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

Didn't really like Dragon Age that much, so that's why I'm trying to find a new game to play so I don't have to play that, haha ;)

Installing Metro2033 now. Dunno what to expect really, but I'm guessing a plain FPS game can fill the void for a couple of hours at least.

Machinarium, yeah, I've heard some good things about that game. Maybe I'l try it out if Metro is dull.

I absolutely hated Assassins Creed 1. It was so insanely boring I yawned my way through the first city and into the next, then quitting before I would die out of boredom. I sincerely doubt AC2 is my cup of tea either, unfortunetely, 'cause it looks rahter cool when you see movies of it. I never understood why game dev's always have to add all those boring and tedious extra-missions, finding flags, climbing towers and what not. Who the hell want to do all that crap anyways? It's just a way to make the game look like it will last more hours wihtout actually adding any more real content.

Not into online games much anymore either, FPS or other gernes. I just don't have enough time or patiance to really be able to play'em enough to become good enough to win, heh :) And getting your ass handed to you is fun for only so long, hehe ;)

Don't have any other consoles 'cept my old Wii, but I've heard good things about Heavy Rain, so if I had a PS I guess I would have tried that one.

GoW is for some odd reason not released for PC. Don't understand why. It looks rather amusing, if only for a few hours of good'ol hack 'n slash.

Heh, even I do not feel like one, I think I'm really starting to sound like a grumpy ol' fart!
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Darius »

AC1 was tedious indeed but crusade-era-city atmosphere and graphics saved it for me so I beat it on X360. AC2 seems like a huge improvement though - side missions are way less repetitive, the entire gameplay isn't as boring as in AC1, and they added a lot of stuff players wanted, like the possibility to upgrade your gear by simply buying things at stores. Plus swimming, flying/gliding, day/night cycle, etc. I'm gonna play it for sure.
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

If they have added quick-saving, then I might actually try it out. Playing the console-way is tedious :-/ When I played AC1 I cleared all the rooftops from archers, climbed a building, killed all teh guards wihtout setting any alarm off, and tehn by a stupid mistake I fell a few stories down and died. The latest save was ofc before i did all that, so instead of trying one more time, I uninstalled the game, heh.. :)

I hope they have fixed the controls as well, at least on PC, they were damn near impossible to use effectively. Often you ended up putting you sword back in the (.. hmm.. what's the english word? The thing where you keep a sword, haha :)) while your enemies kept slashing you in the head with their sabres.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by shiram »

Scabbard is the word your looking for i think
maybe try to get into the starcraft 2 beta or something
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Darius »

I've recently beaten two pretty big games - Dragon Age and AC2. Both were OK. Playing ME2 now. The only thing that pisses me off is the planet scanning - boring, tedious, taking too long. Otherwise, I really like the game. Loot/inv/skill system was massively "streamlined" but I actually like it, it lets me focus on research and dialog/combat. I just wish I could change other folks' armors and make Shepard appear helmless in conversations, just like in DA.

Also finished MW2. Intense and awesome as usual, even if short. Playing JC2 a bit now - a fun sandbox.

My PC was upgraded a bit as well. Running my 3.6 quad with 8 gigs of RAM and GTX 480 now. The card does move a ton of air which makes it *ahem* audible but it rocks in many games and leaves the GTX 295 in the dust. FPS may be similar but it's so SMOOTH - single GPU gaming FTW :)
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by shiram »

For Mass Effect 2, you can change Sheppard's looks in his cabin
and later on in the game, anyone can get an alternate costume
its a pretty awesome game, but it did not have the wow factor the first one had
this is the middle one of a trilogy, and it shows

Dragon Age kicked all kinds of ass, but after one run of the game, i had no desire to play any more
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

Dar: Don't bother using the helmets. The cool factor of running bare-headed far, far outweigh the few percent more HP or whatever you get from a helmet. I did find one of those small "goggles" which looks kinda like what Garrus wears which didn't interfere with my Shep's awesomeness too much (IIRC it added dmg to crit's).
What you say about the game pretty much echo what I wrote about it myself some time ago, 'cept I prefered the item system of the first game alot more than this one.
Try to save up fot the improved scanning-radar-thingy as soon as you can. If you play on PC, the constant lifting up the mouse and dragging kills your arm. Heh, it felt like I've been playing tennis for hours after I scanned a planet or two until I upgraded the damned thing.

DA wasn't good enough for me. As always nowadays, games want to appeal to all audiences and so we who prefer a more 'classic' RPG (and thus less appealing to the simpleminded console people) are ass-raped over and over again. The mage was insanely overpowered and the fighters sucked ass. The dialogues was great and so was the interaction between squad members as well, but the item system and experience system sucked ass (only XP for kills, wtf was they thinking?) making me lose interrest in the game after the gazillionth time I faced a squad of whatever-their-name-was (looked like plain orcs, heh) and killed them all with three cold blasts and a couple of fireballs (I had three mages one tank). Fun the first ten times, extremely boring the rest of the times, heh..
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by shiram »

yea the the "tank plus 3 mages" approach is really easy way to do the game
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

yeah, but since fighters (at least in the beginning) suck so bad there is really only two viable combos I reckon, three mages one tank or two mages, one rouge, one tank.

And since only those you actually use get levels you can't really switch team members either. Maybe you meet higher level chars later on, but once I got the last mage (the healer chick for me) I never switched again after that. Kinda sad actually, 'cause I would have loved to have the dog, but he just sucked to much to be of any use and once the others had gained a few levels and the dog was like level 6 (two, three levels below), he was rendered completely useless as a tank.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by shiram »

i dont know
they all went up in levels even though i didnt use all of them
they we're 1 level behind maybe, thats it
i actually killed that healer sorceress, i didnt know she could join my party...
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

shiram wrote:i dont know
they all went up in levels even though i didnt use all of them
they we're 1 level behind maybe, thats it
i actually killed that healer sorceress, i didnt know she could join my party...
Wtf? Heh, they didn't level up for me, not "Kotor-style" like what you describe :( Weird.

Yupp, she can join, heh.. And she's good to have since the other sorc girl don't have any healing.
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<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by RoamingMadness »

Can't go 4 healer? Weak.
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by shiram »

all mages can go healer
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Bane »

Yeah they can all go healer, but since they already have a couple of invested points once you get them, it can seem a waste of skill points to go down another skill route. All should go down cold and fire skills though, heh..
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by Darius »

No idea, I finished DA playing a fighter and he seemed more than capable to me. The toughest fight was Gaxxkang (a parody of Kangaxx the Demilich from BG series), the rest was almost a breeze.

Playing ME2 with my wife now, it's a good game. I don't really miss the old loot/inv system anymore, the only thing that I find still sucks is the planet scanning.

Also beat Machinarium, a very original, hand-drawn adventure game featuring a little robot. No word is spoken during the game but it's still fun. Recommended to all adventure fans or comics fans.
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Re: I'm bored, what's new?

Post by StormCrow »

You've made me want to reinstall my Baldur's Gate disks and play through it again Darius.

Such a good RPG series they just don't make games like those anymore.

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