YASU, playing games with SecuRom

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YASU, playing games with SecuRom

Post by Bane »

Hola amigos,

Have anyone of you used YASU? I'm trying to find the absolute newest version of this program, but google searches only comes up with a number of older variants. I can't find any official homepage, don't even know if one exist, so can't find anywhere which is the newest version. The latest version I could find was 1.7, but that seemed very old, and the game I wanna play is released just 5 days ago, and that version of securom detects that old YASU.

Anyone knows about this?
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Post by ZoSo »

don't know, but intrigued :)
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Post by Hylandor »

YASU v1.6.9040 is the latest. It was released in April of this year.

sYk0 is the creator, and he can answer questions directly over at the DAEMON-tools' forums.

What game are you trying to run?

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Post by Bane »

Hylandor, thanks mate! I'm gonna try and find that then. Didn't know it was the same guys who make Daemon tools who also make YASU.

I am trying to play the 1.2 version of Arma2. Downloaded a version without a proper crack, I think it was released 24:th of june, so it's kinda new obiously. Dunno how long it ususally takes for YASU, that Syko guy, to crack the newest version of securom, or how long it takes securom to detect the newest version of YASU! It's a cat and mouse game, hehe :)

Btw, Zoso, YASU is a program which "cloaks" the use of mounting image files, so that you can play games with securom and fade. Fade is used in games to deteriorate the game until it becomes unplayable if securom detects that it is an illegitimate copy of the game. It does this by slowly taking away and diminish the fucntions of the game. Dunno exactly how it works since I usually find a crack before playing the game, so have never tried YASU before.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
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Post by Bane »

Nope, didn't work with that version:

"SecuROM™ has determined that emulation tools like 'Alcohol 120%' or 'Daemon Tools' are running. Please be informed that SecuROM™ protected applications will not work with such tools.

* Please unmount your image, close these emulators, and insert the original disc in order to start the application."

Heh, damn, they are good :)
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Post by Hylandor »

Arma2 is running a SecuROM 7.4

It's giving everyone problems, but there is a work around.

Read this ----> http://forum.daemon-tools.cc/f40/securo ... igs-24440/

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Post by Bane »

Thanks for the info, mate. I guess if many has the same problem, someone may be working on fixing it. Otherwise I'll just have to wait for a proper crack.
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<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Post by StormCrow »

i just wish companies made good games often enough that you never felt the need to pirate things. But unfortunately they'd rather release shit 9/10 times and then bog it down with bogus software (with a max 5 lifetime installs half the time lol) and expect you to pay 50-60 bucks for that shit.

i try and pirate as little as possible but games i never heard of from unknown companies typically cause me to pirate and then if it is a good game (it has only been like one out of 50 times) i'll buy it.

makes me weep for the future of video games.

on the bright side I have grown bored on all the games I own and am considering resubbing AoC (i heard it got better... ugh). Anyone have any decent PC suggestions? I already bought/played the Ghostbusters game (its actually quite good for the 6-8 hours of gameplay, but it is remarkably short).

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Post by Bane »

StormCrow wrote:i just wish companies made good games often enough that you never felt the need to pirate things. But unfortunately they'd rather release shit 9/10 times and then bog it down with bogus software (with a max 5 lifetime installs half the time lol) and expect you to pay 50-60 bucks for that shit.

i try and pirate as little as possible but games i never heard of from unknown companies typically cause me to pirate and then if it is a good game (it has only been like one out of 50 times) i'll buy it.

makes me weep for the future of video games.

on the bright side I have grown bored on all the games I own and am considering resubbing AoC (i heard it got better... ugh). Anyone have any decent PC suggestions? I already bought/played the Ghostbusters game (its actually quite good for the 6-8 hours of gameplay, but it is remarkably short).
I full-heartedly agree. I like to buy games, to pay and reward those who release good games, but most of the times games are rushed into the market in order to try and seel as many copies as possible before everyone pirate the game. This is of course a circel of evil, if less ppl pirated, companies would prolly have more time to realyl finish games before releasing them, but most ppl pirate games becaseu so many games are buggy and unfinished when they hit the market. I bought Empire:total war the day it came out, loved the older game sin teh series, but was of course struck by the poor quality of the game. It crashed alot and only now, almost three months after realase, have they managed to patch the game to a decent standard.. *sigh*

Many companies nowadays go straight for the consol market instead, since less ppl pirate those games, and tthen release semi-finished and unpolished conversations of the games for PC, liek one recent game I played, Prototype as well as huge games like GTA IV or Prince of Persia. This of courtse sucks ass, and who the hell want to pay for a game that is not optimized for the computer you are using? I don't, that's for sure..

But then again, since I pirate many ppl think I can therefore not complain. Which is a rather stupid opinion, if you ask me.

But apart from this, some good games are indeed out there. Haven't tried ghostbusters, actually not DL'ing much anymore since a new law whioch was regretfully passed in Sweden lets private companies and publishers sue ppl who have donwloaded illiegal copies and distributed them, and the sums they sue for are horrific!

None the less, a few games worth trying is (even though converted from a consol) Prototype. It's a game which mix parts of GTA (free roaming on manhattan) with science-fiction and a rather cool story which slowly unfolds as you level up and finishes missions. you are infected with some kind of alien shit which transforms your body and gives you insane abilites (which you 'buy' with XP and unlocks as the missions are completed).

Empire:total war of course, I always mention this game because IMHO it's the greatest series of strategy/rts games ever made and it is actually very well playable now that they have patched it alot.

Overlord II is a new game where you lead an army of demons. Never tried the new one nor the first game, but based on PB's number of seeders/leechers, I guess alot of ppl want to play it. looks to cartoonish and humourish for my taste though.

Other than that, I see a fucking ocean of FPS games, most of them decent, none of them really great. If you likes oblivion and fallout, try fallout three with it's 3 expansions. Personally I couldn't cope with the insane item degeneration and ridiculously small amount of items you could hoard while traveling the outback. You also got FPS games like the crysis games, the stalker games, Far Cry 2 and the warhammer 40000 game(s), as well of course the Call of Duty games which offers the best single player FPS campaings I have ever played, but I guess you have already played all of those (a new one is on the way, modern warfare 2). There's also a new game, Call of Juarez, which is realeased soon (no crack yet, methinks) which looks really fricking cool. It's a game which is set at time of the end of your civil war, three brothers in search of a old treause. Look at the trailers, it looks really cool (and I love games in the wild west period).

As for RPG games, I guess NVN2 and it's expansions are too old for you not to have tried them, but still, not perfect but prolly the best RPG experience you can get nowadays, and especially the expansion Storm of Zehir which is the closest thing to BG2 you can get with a #d style, modern day RPG. Drakensang is a german (originally) game which offers a complete new rule setting to RPG if you want to try something like that. Itäs not very new, but then again, there aren't often good RPG games are realsed either. The witcher, though being very old (2007?) is said to have the best, and mature, story of all RPG games ever. Personally I couldn't cope with the skills and level progression, but those that do say it offers a very, very good game play and story.

Then you got all the "movie games", Ghostbusters you have already tried, but there are also the terminator game (bad reviews), the X-men game, the harry potter game, the ttransfomers game *sigh* They are seldom any good though, not the ones I've tried in thep ast at least. i think there's a new riddick game out, and the old one was gettign alot of good reviews. Dark Athena I think it is called.

Maybe you could find something interresting among the above mentioned games.

EDIT: Forgot to mention Diabolika, the sims 3 and more.. heh, there's so many games, but so many of them are just plain crap.

EDIT2: If you like to play old games you also have sites like these:
and abandonia
These sites list old games which you can download freely because they are 'abandoned'. There are quite a few old gems to re-play which gives great nostalgia, hehe..
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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