Oh my..

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Cannon Fodder
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Oh my..

Post by phreek »

Holy shit.

I am sitting here having a beer or three with my wife and the Nerd Lounge popped in to my thoughts...

I didn't think I'd still see posts here! I had to google it to find the link...

So what the HELL IS UP everyone?!?!?

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Re: Oh my..

Post by phreek »

OK I'll reply first. I'm still amazed that... 15+ years later some of us still talk?

So about me now. If you remember, I lived in South Dakota for my entire life. I'm 34 now (last week).

I worked as an operations manager at a credit card company in the collections department.. 10.5 years. We utilized collection agencies to help us recover debt. I was in charge of auditing the companies. One of them was/is in Nashville, TN. I visited once a year for about 3 years and developed a professional relationship with one of the managers there. A friendship, really.

They went through many changes and long story short, they had an opening for an operations manager. When I was there in August, the COO said they wanted to hire me. I joked with my friend who works there before, usually drunk, that they should hire me and I would move across country. Well, a week later he called and it sunk in that he was serious.

I took the job, and moved my wife, son, and daughter from South Dakota to Nashville, TN on October 15th, 2015. I absolutely LOVE my new job (if you look at my last post 3 years ago, I hated my job). And this city is absolutely amazing.

Plus, it was 72 degrees today here. Back home it was 25. That alone makes it all worth while.

Anyway, I run the government and retail services department at my new job, a collection agency. We collection on all types of stuff. My main gig is collecting on state taxes.

Anyway, daughter is 8.5 and son just turned six. Living in a new state, a whole new world really... 2 months in.. enjoying some time off for Xmas. Making some decent flow.

We go back, a long way, huh? Who's still out there?

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Re: Oh my..

Post by Bane »

Still here, but gonna reply when in front of the comp. CBA to do it on a phone (especially since it always autocorrect my english to swedish).

Good to see You though, The Founding Phather!*

*phreek with ph and father with ph. I thought it was funny, but maybe not, hehe.. :lol:

Edit: maybe it should have been Phounding Father or Phather.. Or Pounding Panther? Damn, that would have been an amazing name for a wrestler.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Oh my..

Post by Hylandor »

I poke in every now and then - Happy New Year! Flint says Hello too

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Re: Oh my..

Post by Bane »

OK, so slightly longer answer/update on the life of Bane.

34 now, 35 in february. Been with the same woman for ~6 years and we're trying to make her pregnant now (finally). She's a little bit older than me as well, so I really hope this work since I've always wanted kids but never felt mature enough to take the step before. She's not your average girly girl either, so even if I've been somewhat ready for the last two years, she haven't. I have to admit I'm a bit concerned.. we've tried for two periods now, but to no avail. If we can't concieve a child I will be devastated. But it's still fairly early so no point in despair.

Working for Volvo still, from ~2008. Done a bit of a career jump so I'm a global business controller now, but after two years of controlling I now wotk in two different projects for changing/implementing ERP's. Been kinda fun being Product Owner in a SCRUM team, trying that out. I like working in project form, to have clear goals, responsiblities and deadlines. I've been thinking alot about looking for new work though lately. The paycheck is somewhat underwhelming since Volvo always pay less than other companies thinking they can do anything and employees stay anyway. It's been true historically, but it's a new era now with new management and massive organisational confusion which makes ppl like me: middleaged, experiened and with master degrees, to start looking outside the group for new challanges and we've therefore seen alot of colleagues leave lately. My workload has been good lately though, and I have almost had no overtime at all during 2015's final half. So that's really good.

We also bought a new apartment and moved in their in 2014 february. And then again june 2015. Now we have a 4 bedroom apartment in the top of our builsing with a great view and lots of space. We renovated it for a fuckload of cash so now it looks amazing. Unfortunately my GF want to move back home again, especially if we get a child, and she hails fmro way up north in Sweden. Difficult to find equal work there though, so not sure what will happen with that. I guess sooner or later we will have to move if we are to stay together, or else she'ss either leave me or become depressed (Gothenburg is known for it's poor wheater, we haven't even seen the sun for weeks!).

Had a falling out with my family last year so I decided not to spend christmas with them again. My siblings and parents are stuck in their old ways and I've changed alot lately, so we don't really have anything in common anymore. I've changed my habits alot, eating only organic/unprocessed food, working out not to get buff, but to stay healthy etc. I've also cut down on my drinking alot. Gone are the days when I drank every friday and saturday, now I just drink on special occassions so rarely more than two, three times a month. So no more drunken ramblings in here from me I guess :lol:

I've been trying to visit this place alot of times the last year but was never able to login or see any posts. Glad to see we got it up and running again, even though anyone rarely posts anything other than threads just like these "Wow is this place still online!? What r you guys up to nowadays!?", hehe..
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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Re: Oh my..

Post by RoamingMadness »

Sup phreakster. I'm still in Memphis, TN. I travel to Nashville a couple times a year. If you ever want to hang out, we totally should. I think Stormcrow still lives in the state too. Heavy Duty Fruity. If ya know what i mean :P

I'd post my life story, but you guys know me. Same old bullshit. Depression, anxiety, and rage. Lulz. Great to hear from you phreeky. I just popped in to ask Mikey if he's voting for Trump.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

There probably isn't any meaning in life. Perhaps you can find something interesting to do while you are alive. Like how you found that flower. Like how I found you.

Buttons aren't toys.

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Re: Oh my..

Post by shiram »

started last year in the shit dumps, doctors saying I was depressed, psy said I was burnt out.
Work was shit and going nowhere, assholes everywhere, cuts all the time, rotating management... I had 4 different managers within 10 months.
I was not sleeping well, digestion was awful, I could not eat correctly, I just felt awful all the time.

Doctors prescribed anti depressants and rest, so no work for 3 months.
Psy told me I was not depressed and so should not take the pills, just rest up for 3 months.

3 months later, when I got back to work, they told me my job was being cut within 2 months.
Over the summer I was feeling alright, and looked hard for new work, but even with a good number of interviews, I did not land anything.
I was also offered many very shitty jobs considering my experience, and after a couple months of this was back in the dumps again.

I'm still working with the psy, it's been helping, but mostly I still feel pretty shitty about everything.

Luckily, the last job I had, I got a nice package when they let me go, and so that is one thing not to worry about, although my family is always questioning me about my finances.

I've gained weight too, which is very annoying, but I often don't have the energy or motivation to get out of the apartment.

So yeah, hoping for some better times ahead in 2016...
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Oh my..

Post by Crow »

Sweet Jesus.

I'll post something when I'm not in my phone later.
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

Friends don't let friends educate their children in South Carolina

Cannon Fodder
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Re: Oh my..

Post by phreek »

Sounds awesome! Great to hear from you guys!

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Re: Oh my..

Post by Genie »

The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!

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