My grandma i dying.. only hours, mabye a dya from it now. She wants to duie, by I cant cope with it. I worked out today for the first ime in 9 years, I have foudn a new apartement to live in now that I have spearated from my old GF, but all is shoadewed by the fact that my grandma is lying on her deathbed, wating to die..
fuc, death wsuck,.c I can't cope with stuff liek this without drinkning,. So i drink,. I smkoe,. I and I drink some more.
Livfe is .. sjhhort. lets make the best of it, because sooner than you coukd ever hope it will end, and when it does youi want to have achiedved the max from iot,.
Love you guiys.,
Death suckas
Death suckas
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???