..but I feel no different. I kinda stopped counting years, lame as it may sound, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I kinda felt it sucked getting closer and closer to adulthood and the thirties some years back, but nowadays it matters not.
Maybe the gravity of it all will hit me hard once I actually reach 30, but hell, I live in the present no need to worry about the future, heh..
Anways, happy valentines to ll of you who has someone to share it with, and for those of you who don't, go out and get piss drunk and hit on as many women as you can find
Cheers, mates
Turning 28..
Turning 28..
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???
Again you beat me to the birthday post, it seems to be an annual tradition now. So I'm never sure if your birthday is today or tomorrow, mine is tomorrow.
Last year I turned 28 and wasn't as worried about the big 3-0, but turning 29 really means your 20's are ending, kinda depressing.... I guess having a kid also adds to the feeling old thing...
Last year I turned 28 and wasn't as worried about the big 3-0, but turning 29 really means your 20's are ending, kinda depressing.... I guess having a kid also adds to the feeling old thing...
20s ... 30s ... doesn't mean shit. Just live life and don't worry about what the numbers are, since they make no difference whatsoever.
Happy birthday to both of you though! one year closer to a dirt nap!
Happy birthday to both of you though! one year closer to a dirt nap!
"Environmentalism as a metaphysical ideology and as a worldview has absolutely nothing to do with natural sciences or with the climate."
Hah, it's a good tradition! Next year, set an alarm and try to beat me to the postKadian wrote:Again you beat me to the birthday post, it seems to be an annual tradition now. So I'm never sure if your birthday is today or tomorrow, mine is tomorrow.
Last year I turned 28 and wasn't as worried about the big 3-0, but turning 29 really means your 20's are ending, kinda depressing.... I guess having a kid also adds to the feeling old thing...
Haven't even started to think of kids actually. My bro and sis both got one each, and I like those little dwarves alot, but not enough to get one of my own, hehe..
Shaz got a point, but still, most ppl get slightly depressed or at least a little sad when their twnties are over. I know my sis was very sad, but my bro not as much, heh..
Soon 30 but still looking forward to the next game, I guess I will never get to old for that at least, hehe.-.
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???