What the hell happened at Virginia Tech?

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Cannon Fodder
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Post by Koric »

Kadian wrote: I said they didn't know that someone was on the loose, they thought they had it under control, and in the example the gunman began shooting before they realized they had the wrong person. Please read the post before responding. Of course if they knew a madman was running around nearby they would try to contain the area that he was expected to be in, but if you don't know where he is, or that he was even out there, what do you quarantine? The campus? The City? The County? The local mall? Do you close all highways in and out of the area when you expect the person to be long gone? It's easy for us to say what they should have closed, because we know where he went.
They only had a "Person of interest" they were questioning at A-J hall. I'm sorry but its horse shit to call that situation "under control" especially when they didn't have a weapon or anything. Also the biggest problem is they did absolutely nothing to try and heighten student awareness on the campus, there were two people shot to death on campus and they wait 2 fucking hours to try and tell the rest of campus what happened? and by one of the slower methods available to faculty? Even letting everyone know what had happened sooner would've increased the awareness a little and likely would've let people know those loud bangs weren't "pranks" or "construction" and something more serious was going on. They really took the original two murders a little too lightly and it blew up into something unthinkable.

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Post by Kadian »

Look, if you guys wanna be pissed off about it, that's cool, I can see why you would. I still think I'm right, but I'm not going to argue anymore.

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