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Post by Styrofoam »

So... We are supposed to get at LEAST 10.00$ per wedding we register for hte months of January-february...and i registered 42.5 weddings. (half weddings are weddings that only need 3 or 4 tuxes as opposed to 5 or more)

Edit: If we made our goal of 160 total weddings for the store, we were promised 12.50 per wedding. Its PAINFULLY Obvious we're not getting 12.50/wedding...and we were painfully close (159.5)

my commission should have been 425 dollars + hourly wages - taxes...

Instead, i look at my paystub and its Hourly wages + 308$ in comission...

where did my roughly 110.00$ go? No idea whatsoever, but its gone. And i'm not the only one in the store with less than they had expected. A co-worker of mine did 50 weddings for a commission of 500, but instead was paid 390... again...roughly 110$ gone. Very angry, we are. We've put in a call to the owner, but as of yet, have not heard back.

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Post by shiram »

seems your getting roughly 7.25 per wedding instead of the 10...
kick your boss's ass i'd say
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Styrofoam »

right. And its actually less than that, shir. Because there is also commission paid for weddings when they go out....meaning that when the wedding happens, we get paid for them taking our tuxes... and i'm not 100% sure what kind of commission we get for that..but i had 2 weddings go out, so my guess is 4$/wedding.

I'm really angry...angry enough that i've been pacing back and forth. Still no call from the owner. We have a suspission that the manager is taking credit for weddings that we did for herself. NO evidence or proof, but she is a compulsive liar anywyas, so it wouldn't be out of character.

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Post by shiram »

meh shit happens, especially with such matter where there doesnt seem to be any hard evidence as to whom has credit for what
best of luck bro
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by shortthang »

....so your paycheck was only about half what it was supposed to be (counting hourly that is)....thats rough....you need a new job, as do i...we should go job hunting together, soon.

hope you get this figured out...thats a shit load of money you're not getting :(

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Post by Styrofoam »

come to find out what they did was this:

First paycheck in February, they paid 5$ per wedding we got in January, then, this paycheck they paid 10$ per wedding in february, PLUS 5$ per wedding in january for a grand total of 10$ per wedding in Jan and Feb.

Sound kinda fishy...well...it should.

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Post by shortthang »

but your total check ended up amounting out to only like 7 bucks a wedding did it not? so how does it make sense that you got the full $10 this month and then five for last...it doesnt add up...or am i just missing something?

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