Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

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Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Crow »

Flipping: to buy something and sell it for a greatly increased value.
GMROI: Gross margin return over investment.

A few nights ago Zoso says to me. "I'm thinking about getting into the gem game."

Today I tried the game. The game sucks and you'll break even, the cost to train and craft each sequence of gem sucks the profit out of the equation. Unless flawless squares and higher start dropping in hell and inferno like candy tossed at a parade the game isn't good enough to play except in rare occasions. GMROI isn't high enough to stay going for long unless you buy ultra low and watch the market like a hawk.

Flipping, find a niche and go with it, Zo and I have ours locked down and with some work you can make a ton of money. Its slow but works. Finding great deals and mipping them for huge profit can be done. I got my 5xx dps hand crossbow for 10K, so there are deals and noob dropping them on the AH.
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Bane »

Too bad crafting isn't as intented. I hope they'll fix it so more money is sunk into crafting and less is spent in the AH, thus lowering demand and prices as a reaction. I find browsing the AH top be ultra boring though, heh.. :) Haven't had time to really get good at it yet though, just don't have the chars/money/time for it yet. Sometimes I wish I was single again, hehe.. ;)
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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by ZoSo »

totally what crow said:

find a niche and just nickel and dime it on the AH. The deals will sell in seconds, so know what will sell and don't overprice. there's a 10 auction limit, and you're better off selling many little things and keeping space open for the next sale than flooding the market with more overpriced spam two-handers that no one will buy.
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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by RoamingMadness »

Bane wrote:Too bad crafting isn't as intented. I hope they'll fix it so more money is sunk into crafting and less is spent in the AH, thus lowering demand and prices as a reaction. I find browsing the AH top be ultra boring though, heh.. :) Haven't had time to really get good at it yet though, just don't have the chars/money/time for it yet. Sometimes I wish I was single again, hehe.. ;)
Soo i could master the AH or spend half paycheck and be done with it. Either seems annoying.
GMROI: Gross margin return over investment
You need some way to incorporate your time per sale and the size of the market. Some niches won't have a large enough market to buy and trade from to sink all your money into the investments. Gems may have too low GMROI, but crossbows may only average 20,000 of worthy investments per hour when you need to invest closer to 200,000 per hour to keep your money in action.

It would be nice to have it plotted out "first trade gems till you can afford xbows, then swords till mighty weapons" so on and so forth.

Idk, maybe im just stating the obvious.
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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Skitril »

Agree with all the above points. Honestly I do like the AH feature, as compared to the old days of browsing trade chat spam and forum... vs AH, I take AH any day.

However with RMAH it has become a little more than that as real $$ involved. And in turn it has made a definite gap between good -> great -> godly items. On gold AH you used to be able to find both great and godly items, nowadays the truly awesome items will likely be on RMAH. Rarely you will see godly items on GAH, but they are always up at like 500 million gold. This is annoying as for me, my gear is already pretty nice, and real upgrades will be trending to the "godly" items, and putting it like this, the AH is the ultimate time spent vs reward gained. However, I want to bash monsters faces in. Not browse a watered down version of the stock market. I spend about 10 mins looking at possible upgrades for my guys, will also include deal checks while I'm at it. If RMAH included, that may double or triple, and I'd rather be slaying demons than browsing AH! I realise this may "limit" me as I prefer MF/solo run in gear with MF, however gear that has the stats to be Act 3 or 4 capable, with MF, is easily $100-250 RMAH gear. I won't be spending this much cash for virtual items thats for sure! In groups I just wear normal gear if people do those acts, but on my friends list, I have about 20 people... only 4 can do Act 3 or 4 right now. So no real incentive for me to go there right now, and I don't pub either.

Anyway my tips in addition to above are:

- Use the filters to maximum
- Only look at fresh auctions - 1d12hrs and 1d11 hrs. There's no such thing as a great deal with 12 hrs left. (unless anyone here doing multi million gold deals or RMAH where time is not as much of a factor)
- Instant buyout if you see something cheap with these times, do not even spend 1 second to look at the stats. Your filters should already determine the minimum level of stats, item level and stats you want.
- Know how other classes work. I sometimes browse the bnet forums if work is slow. Most of us will probably forum around too. You may find a "junky" item that looks like DE fodder for you. I found such an item the other day and was about to dust it.... then I remembered a guide I read mentioning this. Re-read the guide on the bnet forums, put it out for 500k bid and 5 million buyout just for shits and giggles. Last night the sale went through and it ended up going for a 1.3 million bid, not too bad!.

Also it comes down to how much do you want to pimp your character out?

For eg, right now the game can be finished/inferno diablo downed (though far from being farmed mode) with easily less than 1 million gold in gear. I'm pretty sure someone posted a youtube of them a 500k gold clear on a barb and I wouldn't be surprised if other classes can do it with less as barbs are generally considered to be most gear dependant. 1 million gold is not much and most people leveling may be approaching purely by picking up gold off the ground. With savvy AH skills you can get 1 million gold in a couple hrs quite easily I reckon (on US AH, not sure about EU for Bane/Darius or if anyone plays on Asia)

If you want to get your guy "farming" certain acts then it gets more complicated as every character needs a certain amount of stats to "farm" something - by farm I guess it should be enough to both stay alive and do damage, ideally doing enough damage to to disregard the monster abilities and therefore lower overall risk, and getting more in general in my opinion only, Diablo has always been that killing crap faster = overall more survability, in fact for D3 dragging a battle out is going to have dire consequences due to the (stupid) enrage timers they put in! For me personally, my barb is on the borderline of farming Act 3 and 4 in normal gear. I have no real interest in farming those acts alone, but it is fun in a party.

Anyway good luck with everyone's selling!

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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by RoamingMadness »

Only look at fresh auctions - 1d12hrs and 1d11 hrs.
Skit mentioned this to me a while ago and it is the single most important thing I've seen. No matter what you're looking for, if you're not doing this, you're doing it wrong.
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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by shiram »

This profitting and auctionning is alot more tedious than Meph runs at infinitum, to me.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Crow »

I've found absolutely dumb items up for sub 10K, I think my 412 LoH crossbow was a 20K buyout 1d 11h sale.

The way I see it is each 10 items I put up better produce 100K profit or I'm doing it wrong. I'd rather do 10 quick sales for small return over one huge sale that takes a day and a half to produce the same amount of profit.

Gems are not the way to quick profit. Flawless square emeralds are rocking out in the mid 1K range and selling at the same or close to the same as a ruby, topaz or ame two crafts down the road. Weapon crafting is the same, I can get all the materials I need for free but trying to sell a 4 mod rare that I crafted is hard to do when the market is full of trash 6 mod rares.

I don't think I'd hesitate to put something on the RMAH for a few bucks here and there but I won't invest money in gear, I think blizzard hurt the game by forcing gear sales for cash. Long dead are the days of the 2xx% CCBoQ selling for a ungodly but reasonable price.
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Crow »

Phase One: Collect Underpants...
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Bane »

Haha, what?
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Re: Cash, crafting and the theory behind flipping

Post by Kadian »

Phase three: Profit!

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