what in games shocks you?

Wii like consoles too.....including handhelds
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shocks you?

graphically severed human head
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a man and woman having sex
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multiple use of the word fuck
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two men kissing
Total votes: 2

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what in games shocks you?

Post by shiram »

http://blog.jwhdavison.com/2008/04/atti ... lence.html

always amuses me to see sex is more outrageous than murder, gruesome murder!
so what do you think?
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Kadian »

Why would you put 2 men kissing in a video game?
I guess that's not the kind of "offense" they were talking about though...

As a parent I guess I wouldn't want my kids to play a game with a graphic depiction of a severed head just as much as I wouldn't want them to see a graphic sex scene.... but I would be more "shocked" to see 2 men kissing in a game.....because....why?

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Post by shiram »

Bully has two male kissing, if you want an example
i think thats where they got it from, since that game is seeing controversy again
Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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Post by Bane »

None of the above would even make me flinch.
Seriously, sex in-game always look ridiculous and if it sparks any kind of reaction, it's usually laughter.
Severed heads? I mean come on! We've seen that shit since we were kids, who cares? Since the day I sat down on top of a stiff in SoF and chopped him up into small pieces with my combat knife while laughing frantically, I've been pretty much unaffected by things like that.
Language is just language, and words are just words. It doesn't matter what words are repeated, in the end you get used to them and they lose their 'value', just like the O-so-boring word "fuck" has. Personally I get a greater thrill reading british insults like, "you little spiffy twat" or stuff like that, than someone saying "fucking bastard" or whatever. Fuck hasn't been cool since Raw 1987.
Two men kissing? Heh, I would indeed laugh if I saw that in any game. Not because it's shocking morally or anything, but because based on the games I usually play, it would be quite strange if it was included in such games, heh..
Drunkenmaster wrote:i am teh drun kand tbe drun,. wtf+ .... P?
<5Nme dream i can see tou I tell you how I fell???

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