BL wins at WoW

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BL wins at WoW

Post by Mikeyrat »

We put down Nefarious last night. Once you get out of phase one, it is cheese... Pretty fun encounter, though. Very unique.
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Post by StormCrow »

we put his ass on all fours and gave him quite the assfucking

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Post by flint »

what loot
if youre gonna be dumb you gotta be tough
shiram wrote:heh seeing as how the only other members we've seen in bathing suit are, iirc, Lisa, and mac...

so yea

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Post by Hylandor »

Im definitely going to be needing some BWL advice soon. Currently my guild is trying to get shots in on Razoregore. Problem is, we run a zero-sum dkp system and havent implemented any sort of incentive dkp. We rarely get a good turnout.

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Post by Mikeyrat »


And, of course Nef's head, which yields: or


Are you all Horde or Alliance? Strats can be completely different depending on faction and abilities. We keep most of our strats confidential in guild, but I wouldn't mind sharing some general pointers and tips or answer questions about strats you're trying to help. Besides, I don't think we do anything to damn special anyway. Tell your slackers that BWL can actually be a decent moneymaker once you get all the bosses down, and you quit wiping. Each boss drops from 3.5G (Razor) to 7G (Nef) per man with 40 man raids, and if you can do it without accumulating much repair bill, you'll end up pretty well. I went from 125G to 150G in the course of 2 evenings just from gold drops. There are some awesome weapons in there, and other nice gear. A few of the things I've gotten there, for instance, besides my tier 2 gear:

Also, BWL has an alchemy lab that once you clear to it each reset, can be reached without hassle. Very handy, now that flasks survive death and they're actually viable now.
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Post by Eblocher »

Damn old people with all of their purple gear!

I wear NO purple and only have the eye of shadow in my stash.

Grumble grumble grumble...........

I think I've taken Mikey's place in D2 as the Ghetto Gear Guy :P

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Post by Mikeyrat »

God bless a good raiding guild! Now that we can clear MC in about 4 hours, and could probably do BWL in two nights if we tried, the purples are falling like rain. We're also doing outdoor raid bosses whenever they're up, and felling Onyxia whenever the timer expires. I'm actually working on 3 sets of gear... A general Tier1/Tier2 combination with general stamina, some resists and added damage. A Fire Resist set, which is about complete, which will give me upwards of 250 FR without using my Felhunter (over max with it), and a +damage set, where I hope to get upwards of 500-600 +shadow/all damage.

I can't believe after all this time you haven't acquired any purples! Hell, there are some decent purples that can be crafted, even and though expensive you don't have to use a raid to get. Also, haven't you been in ZG? Lots of stuff there, too!
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Post by StormCrow »

our dkp system sucks so asking us about dkp issues is probably a bad idea, on the other hand BWL has good loot, problem is theres piles and piles of really shitty loot.

AQ is looking quite promising though

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Post by Skitril »

BL ftl bahaha

My guild killed Nefarion one day before you guys ner ner ner ner ner ner (we got Asscandy sword too woot)!

And we were your transfer spot (illidan -> stonemaul) T_T when it was low pop but now it's med pop.

I wanted to get stormcrow to make me a 3% hit scope to transfer it over haha.

Anyway grats !

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Post by Styrofoam »

haha. i can't even find anyone to take me into the Wailing caverns :(

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Post by Mikeyrat »

Styro, Barrens is usually full of nubs... also the meeting stone actually works sometimes for WC. Give it a go.

Skit, Blizz is real stupid with their transfer decisions. They currently have us set up so Ursin in available. Dumb. On Illidan, we have these problems:

1. VERY full server. Queues of 200+ are commonplace after 8:00pm EST. It is apparently well regarded, and a lot of people on Illidan have friends that start toons there constantly (Ahem! :P )

2. We are about 1.4:1 or so Horde to Alliance, but the Horde seem to be more active, which makes sense, as I think the average age of Horde players seems to be somewhat higher. Horde is also more dedicated to PvP.

3. Because of the imbalance, Horde waits 30 mins to an hour or more for an available BG. Alliance can queue up and get in almost immediately.

So they open up server transfers to Ursin. While the population there is low, the horde-alliance ratio is the same, if not worse than Illidan. So any Horde that go there will experience even worse BG queues than they have on Illidan. Not only because of the imbalance in the factions, but because it'll be a lower pop server and fewer BG's period. Additionally, if an major Alliance guilds should transfer over, they would benefit, but it would further ruin the balance on Illidan, compounding the issue of BG queues, etc.

What we need is a low pop server with about a 1:5 to 1 Alliance to Horde ratio so BL can transfer there and everyone would be happy. Alliance there would have fewer BG queues, we'd have none, and we'd all play instances queue and lag free.
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Post by Styrofoam »

can you help me in the wc plzzzzzzzzz i'm nub =(

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Post by RoamingMadness »

i've been running it the past week nub, i can take you
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I hope someday you'll join us
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There probably isn't any meaning in life. Perhaps you can find something interesting to do while you are alive. Like how you found that flower. Like how I found you.

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Post by Skitril »

Illidan = the opposite of Stonemaul thats why the first 2 server transfers were to my home server from illidan (but i guess once stonemaul reached med pop they changed it to ursin)

Stonemaul =

no queue
no wait
lots of alliance = instant BG (but they all suck and horde walks all over them, except for 1 guild that is almost as good as us, but they were illidan refugees in the 1st/2nd server transfers)

ALL the outdoor bosses except for 2 green dragons (forgot name one spams shadowbolt the other splits into 3) are DOMINATED by us

ALL the high end shit = us (first fucking arcanite reapers, strongholds, lionheart, Dark Iron etc other high tradepatterns, heck even Elementium nowadays) so we're rich fuckerz

Closest horde competition is miles behind (they just killed chrom and are doing the 30 min reset thing to try to bring nef down to catch to us bahaha)

If you guys could transfer it'd be interesting though :)

Magtheridon is pretty even though.

Having said that I do find a high pop server to be somewhat interesting though (disregard the lag and just thinking about the actual volume of people that you'd face is pretty crazy to me imo, since on small pop servers most people know each other, where on a high pop server you might have no fucking clue about the other dude until you realise he's just as geared up as you and beats you up =p Or even just farmin in areas and running into fools)

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Post by Hylandor »

We just picked up another binding today, so now have both parts!!!!

We really need to push BWL and get some elementium ore. Will be the second guild on the server to put their hands on a legendary :)

I've done my fair share of strategy reading to prepare for Razoregore. It seems like there are roughly two different ways to go about it. You can Kite, or you can kill. If you have performed both ways, which did you find easiest?

O, and Im alliance.

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Post by Skitril »


*You want your tanks in some fr if they are tanking razor*

You want 2 good guys at controlling to break the eggs (will take about 3-4 full channel timers assuming they don't get interrupted, which as alliance they shouldn't)

Pallys to help them (shields/heals)

CC/kite is probably the best way imo since your healers (paladins) can take a lot of punishment

Basically you want to CC the dragonkin (sleep them or fear them is the best way, assign your druids/warlocks to each of the 4 sides of the room)

Kite the legionnaires with hunters trap/piercing howl warriors/fear classes

Kill the mages with rogues/mages/dps

Make sure nothing gets on top of the orb controlling platform and hitting the guy or you lose a lot of channel time, so keep most of your force around there.

Once you get to about 2 eggs switch the controllers to your main tank, get him to get aggro on the mob room via the aoe blast, have him break the last 1-2 eggs (not sure why but it seems to create huge threat from razorgore, so its best to have your tanks do it)

Tank razorgore in a corner with 2 of them, at opposite ends of each other away from your main group. Razorgore has conflag which will make your tank lose control and burn for a couple seconds, after which he turns to the guy with the next highest threat (ie your 2nd tank which should ensure he doesn't run around kicking the shit out of your healers). You don't want them to stand next to each other or they'll get cleaved. Use healing mana on the 2 tanks only, everyone else should be bandaging themselves/each other and using ranged on him (he doesnt have a lot of hps but you wont have much mana around that time either)


If it is your first time into Vael's room get your rogues/druids sprints ready and get them to go in all at once and catch as many of the goblins as they can (from razorgore room they will run right and up the stairs) these things drop hourglass sand which you will need vs chromaggus and more importantly elementium :)

You won't see these goblins until 2 bosses afterwards (vael/broodlord) and vael isn't easy at all (hope you got good tanks). So start collecting as much elementium as you can get your hands on...

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Post by phreek »

unfortunately i'm a n00b and i haven't doen anything tight since I hit 60, really. I want to join BL but they require 5+ days a week raiding and I can't gaurnetee it

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Post by Mikeyrat »

I'm not sure about alliance, but certainly for horde, killing is impossible, IMO. Kiting is the only way to go. We do kill the mages, and eventually they'll stop spawning when about 2/3 of the eggs are down, but I really don't believe there's anyway to control the sheer numbers just by killing. Of course, I'm not sure how alliance would kite w/o earthbind LOL!

Besides collecting the elementium, you still need to learn to smelt it, and that guy's fairly deep in there.

We're one binding away from our third Windseeker, and we have a Hand of Ragnaros already, too... erm, well we did before the guy deguilded and basically quit. But it was BL's legendary, nonetheless.
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Post by Mikeyrat »

phreek wrote:unfortunately i'm a n00b and i haven't doen anything tight since I hit 60, really. I want to join BL but they require 5+ days a week raiding and I can't gaurnetee it
Actually, 3 days minimum a week, though apps are encouraged to do more if possible. You could slack off some after you got in. FR gear would help things a long, too.
Old Man.

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