Mikey's WoW update!

This could be the end of the World... of Warcraft

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Mikey's WoW update!

Post by Mikeyrat »

Ok, well here's where I'm at right now...

Despite a lot of IRL changes, I continue to forge ahead with WoW.

Quick History:
Sometime back, a couple years ago before BC, I quit Blood Legion and joined House of Elders to be more casual raiding (couldnt take the 7pm to 1am 6 days a week). HoE moved to Zuluhed before BC and before the hardware upgrades because Illidan was terribly over populated, and lagged real bad. We got ourselves together on Zuluhed, but as BC came and basically ripped 40 mans apart, we struggled on with a smaller bunch. Unfortunately, when last summers slump hit (happens every summer, it seems) the population on Zuluhed got horrendously low. Doing "/who <class> 70" would show 10-15 of any class during prime-time evening hours. With a pool of only 90-100 level 70 players on the server of all classes, it was almost impossible to recruit or even get groups for instances. So, we moved what remained of HoE to Scilla, a medium pop, and still fairly decent server.

There HoE originally merged a time or two with a coupla guilds, some of those working out, some not. Eventually, most players found spots in the kind of guilds they like to be in... either high-end raiding guilds, casual raiding guilds or PvP guilds. HoE lives on for now as a place where all of those people can keep touch and level alts.

I've told the story of my life in the other thread, but for now I am with Debbie and her daughter in a casual raiding guild called Dirty Laundry (www.ringaroundthecollar.net). They've been pretty successful at recruiting this summer, and have put together a good core raiding group. Just in the last few weeks, after a few fits and starts, they have downed 3/4 TK bosses, first couple in SSC, and the first bosses in BT and MH. They can cruise through Gruul and Mag easily enough, and full Kara runs take about 3 hours, and ZA is Ok, too. I think they'll be progressing pretty well.

As for me, I have 4 level 70s:
Mikeyrat - my original warlock from Day 1. - demonology
Mikeyratola - feral druid tank (28000 armor, 18.5k life buffed, 415 (max for druid) defense, 30% dodge)
Snert - rogue, Ass/SS raider, fair gear
Mikeyratatat - hunter with green/blues and a Khorium gun for skinning/farming stuff

I'm working on levelling a mage, Canowhoopass (lvl 20).

Debbie has a 70 lock (Kashmirella, named after the Led Zepplin song Kashmire) and a 70 mage (Xanadou.) Both are raid specc'd and well geared. She often tops the damage meters (or is WAY up there) with her mage in raids. The lock has right at 400 resilience on her pvp set.

Her daughter Kayla has a lock with damn good gear that she raids with, and she is often competing with her mother on the damage meters, too.

Anyway, we play with Tibs all the time (also known as "blankwtf" here I believe,) and recently I have been in touch with Eblocher, and he is now levelling a druid on Scilla, too. The four of us often run low-level stuff together, and have a ball doing it. All of us old Nerds are excited about D3, and I would expect to see those two around here sometime soon.

If you're ever on Scilla, look us up!

Old Man.

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Post by StormCrow »

i shoulda read this thread before i replied to the other one lol.

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