PvP Group- Twisting Nether

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PvP Group- Twisting Nether

Post by RoamingMadness »

Hey, a few of my real life friends and myself are putting together a small pvp group. Most of us are extremely casual, and it will be a few months before any of us get to 80 (currently, none of us have a character above 63). I'd like to go on ahead and invite you guys to play as well, as you'd have more than enough time to roll a new character, make a deathknight here, or whatever you like

The server is twisting nether. Our group is currently a fire mage, moonkin, and rouge. The rouge is the most casual of the group, and we would really like to focus on large amounts of burst spell damage. A warlock is the most needed addition at the moment. Then probably a discipline priest. You may feel free to roll anything you like though, just keep in mind we're focusing on PvP. Tanks are largely unwanted, and if the group gets strong enough, you might get tired of running between targets while all the 'mages' nuke your targets.

Ideally, we'd like to just get a solid group of about 6-10 pvper's and see where things go.

As i said, we're all casual and will probably join a larger guild for raiding purposes once we find a good one, to get set up for equipment.

If you have any questions feel free to post. We're mostly in the 30s right now, so there is plenty of time to catch up if you want some company leveling as well ( i know i do).
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Post by RoamingMadness »

Nothing? Nobody? Is it because the WoW forum is waaaaaaay down here at the bottom? :P
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Post by StormCrow »

didnt see this post actually, i already do pretty hardcore pvp

i have a guild on cho'gall (top pvp server on Rampage battlegroup)

have my own vent server and whatnot and all i pretty much do is pvp.

arena mostly.

was playing my warlock, but switched to DK now and am waiting for arena season 5 on tuesday =/

honestly i don't like switching servers (since i have like 4 68-80 characters and moving them costs ALOT.

but if theres only 3 of you guys i'd invite you to come over to cho'gall and join us.

always looking for more interested in pvp.

also if you want to arena www.arenajunkies.com is the arena forum pinnacle basically. Pretty much all the top rated people post there, very extensive guides/whatnot although it hasnt been updated for WOTLK yet.

After i went and read your post more closely i noticed you said tanks wouldn't be needed (oh boy). Melee classes (warriors/paladins/dks/rogues/enh shamans) put out some crazy damage and probably some of the best nonmage burst in pvp, and limiting yourself to heavy caster damage will easily cause you issues for sure. All classes are pvp viable although lately some have become almost completely worthless

warlocks for instance are very weak in pvp right now, they have no real means of burst (having any melee attacking the warlock completely invalidates you ability to chain cast any high damage nukes) their only escape is the new lvl 80 demonic circle, which is pretty shit because if your group is coordinated at all can make sure to stay in Line of Sight of the circle (its a huge glowing target) and continue to destroy you.
not to mention any melee class can kill a warlock pet in under 6 seconds usually, even with heals.

mages are incredibly strong in pvp especially with heavy caster bursting
except fire is not the way to go
flavor of the month is arcane because the 51 point talent arcane barrage is ridiculously overtuned (i've heard its being nerfed in the future). And frost is the best bursting/control spec for pvp. Shatter comboing anyone can do 15k+ damage in 3-5 seconds depending on procs and crits (which are > 50% with the right setup) and the 51point talent is a 5(6?) second stun which is just amazing in pvp.

Moonkins are actually quite strong in pvp right now, and able to do some ridiculous burst damage if allowed to chain cast, although once again its easy to stop casters from chain casting non instant spells with a single person on them to disrupt.

healing is good still, but not like pretbc (druids are arguably the weakest pvp healer now, down from best ever) Paladins are amazing pvp healers right now, and can burst heal 15k+ in 3 seconds with good procs/crits and have some of the most efficient healing around as well.

Disc priests are good healers for pvp, but the most easily killed right now as well, they have the lowest armor, their best instant heal (penance) can't be cast on themselves, and they have no escape aside from their 45-second cooldown aoe fear (the most heavily breakable CC because there is a LOT of undead players). Disc priests are also the easiest class to train down, since if you focus fire them their instant heals will not be enough to keep themselves alive, and have no self instant heals that can counteract significant burst damage. They'd be a healer to use if you really can't find anything else.

Shamans are incredible pvp bursters (elemental spec) amazing with enhancement in heavy melee comps, and probably the 2nd best (if not the best) pvp healer, and will be very strong.

Death knights (the new class) is the best control class around it seems (maybe mages are better) they have a spell interrupt, a silence, death grip (think scorpion from mortal combat) ghoul stun (if specced) AoE freeze for 10 seconds (if specced) and very high burst damage, and very good survivability (especially against casters), definitely a great pvp class.

rogues are incredibly strong right now, they can take out pretty much any non-mage caster singlehandedly with ease as assassination spec with very high burst, mind numbing poison and multiple ways to interrupt spells and a -healing debuff makes them still one of the best classes for pvp.

Warriors are still kings of pvp (they were easily a top class through all previous pvp seasons) Have -healing debuffs, spammable snares, stuns, high damage, armor debuffs and combo very well with single healers in 2v2 bracket.

hunters are pretty strong now too, they've gotten some nice pvp buffs, and escape abilities to help keep range, and are excellent at kiting melee.

think i covered most classes pvp utility... can't remember why i've been drinking a tad... also i might have misinterpreted your intentions as well.

not sure if you were looking to start up a guild for doing Rated arenas (where all the best pvp gear is from, also the most skilled pvpers overall)

or just a battleground type group which is pretty easy and a good time waster.

also you didn't mention your faction and if you don't play horde then you're SOL with me :)

anyways see if you and your friends would consider xferring to cho'gall (if your horde)

some other good wow related forums would be www.elitistjerks.com (very good class mechanics and general game info type stuff)

since none of you guys have any 65+ characters you probably could use a lil help with some class stuff (theres a lot of intricacies that are really difficult to figure/out or find out while leveling as most classes particularly with raiding and whatnot.

if you need any help you can look me up in game too just make a lvl 1 alt on cho'gall and /who sturm and message anyone with that at the beginning of their name (pretty sure i'm the only person on the server, and i have like 4 characters).

also i'm thinking about trying to start up a late-r night small raiding group for 10 mans, trying to start around 10:30 or 11pm CST and end around 2-3 since most guilds end up starting around 6 or 7 and my work schedule doesn't work out well with those kind of times.

^ maybe upgrading to 25 mans depending on interest.

can't think of what i was going for or whatever

i should go to bed, when i'm more coherent i'll check this thread out again.

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Post by RoamingMadness »

We'll this is more of a long term project, and we're on the alliance side. Im not really sure the goals of the group yet.. but so far we've discussed interest in arenas, battlegrounds, and raids on the major citys.

All of that info is very helpful. As i said, most of us are very casual, but once things get rolling i expect us to get more into it.

While it may seem easier to roll a new character. We really are extremely casual. So casual that that none of our characters have 100 hours logged on them. It may seem dumb, but most of us are looking forward to 55, just to have a second level 55.

Anyway, if you want to make an alliance. Feel free to join us. If not, i totally understand that too.
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Post by StormCrow »

if i didnt have so much time invested on horde already i probably would, but i have 220+ days /played over all my characters (maybe i should get a second job instead) maybe if i get bored i'll roll an alliance alt sometime.

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Post by RoamingMadness »

That level 63 Mage has only 90 HOURS played on it. Hah.
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Post by RoamingMadness »

Moonkin is sick.
You may say that I'm a dreamer
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There probably isn't any meaning in life. Perhaps you can find something interesting to do while you are alive. Like how you found that flower. Like how I found you.

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Post by StormCrow »

they're pretty strong right now.

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