A letter to the community

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A letter to the community

Post by Crow »


SWG dev talks about NGE and everything leading up to it.
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps and I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S. or should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for us."

Friends don't let friends educate their children in South Carolina

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Post by Genie »

I thought that was a very good read. Im glad mre and more devs at SOE who were on the NGE team are confessing their sin in destroying one of the more prominently displayed mmos of all time, but as some people are saying (although in a different degree) it is beating a dead horse. We could sit here and talk semantics about this shit til we're blue in the face with both sides having congealing arguements over and over, but lets face it; something utterly, completely failed.

Ive always been a naysayer at the aspect that NGE was a complete failure like a lot of you say but I can tell you this much, it failed to hit the nail when it released. The combat system they changed from and to are completely different systems that changed how the combat works altogether but had they really look at the grand scheme they would have realized changing the way the combat (RE: in game interaction) worked would have been not only a sufficient change but one much needed.

As it stands, in my eyes, the combat system we currently have meshes real well. The only thing I would bring back would be what truely gave SWG its phenomenal playability; the class diversity. Had they changed to the NGE but kept class diversity as it were the game would have been so much more appealing to -everybody- and our subscriber base would have not died out so drastically.

In any case, in my own humbled opinion the system we have now is definately looking brighter in the dark hours that was SWG.

Thanks for sharin' Crow.
The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky...the rose may kiss the butterfly...the morning dew may kiss the grass...and you, my friend, can kiss my ass!
