Havnt seen yall in a while

R.I.P Home of Radiant's guild Stone.

Moderator: Genie

Posts: 16
Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 4:26 pm
Location: Tehachapi, CA

Havnt seen yall in a while

Post by cibode »

How are you guys doing? Ill catch yall up on what I have been doing since I saw you guys online last. I got married and have been very happy. My computer died and I never replaced it, I have a tablet now so I just rock this at home and leave it at that.

I still work at the prison, doing very well there, they awarded me nurse of the year for the state recently which was really awesome. I have a baby on the way, her name is Lilliana, cant wait to see her. Got a house too, already lost 50k on it but who hasnt.

How are you guys doing? I am sad to see that they are pulling the plug on swg, I thought that they would at least keep one server open. Many would still play even if they didnt support it. Did Stone ever rule radiant as we were always destined to do?
Last edited by cibode on Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 16
Joined: Thu May 18, 2006 4:26 pm
Location: Tehachapi, CA

Re: Hant seen yall in a while

Post by cibode »

Just in case any of you do bbm my pin is 217360AD
