Changes in SWG

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Changes in SWG

Post by ZoSo »

I've just recently been perving the forums and sites about SWG and I do not recognize much of anything in our game anymore.

Has any MMO in the history of the world had to go through so many and drastic changes? I've spent the past two years with EQ2 and can now use the EQ franchise as a basis. EQ did go through some drastic changes, but never anything to the core of combat. EQ2 has had one CU in it's history, but was just a balance pass and not an actual combat rule change.

It just worries me that a bad precedent will be set for the eventual SWG2. Content additions are how you keep people playing, not changing everything every 10 patches.
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Post by Genie »

The new developement team has the right idea now and we have a good stream of actual content flowing in to the game. I think the biggest reason the first (and second) combat systems failed was poor recognition of applicable coding; the new team had to spend a great deal of time reworking the code so that new content could be added without great pains (and lengths of time) to do so.

Fortunately, the one aspect of the game I love most hsnt seen many changes over the years (space) thus why I still play.

The new system is pretty easy to handle now, which is unfortunate (as one of the aspects of te old game was understanding the way you BUILT your character)

The game is definately moving in a direction I feel is positive. Although I want ya'll to come back, I realize that since you've felt jaded by the changes (CU, NGE) that may never happen. Just keep this in mind; the galaxy is actually going in a direction its current player base is happy about.

Oh, and you still should get a 15 day trial period Zo, you could come back, take a walk around the galaxy and say hi to old friends, check out the content, the combat system, etc, and form a new opinion (even if it means keeping the same opinion you have now, least you'd know you attempted it)
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